Cashin’ In, Melissa Harris-Perry win Cable News Twitter on Saturday, January 10, 2015

On Saturday we saw an interesting experiment in social media.  Fox News disrupted its normal morning “Cost of Freedom” schedule to run Neil Cavuto solid covering the events in France.  Yet one of the shows disrupted, Cashin’ In, moved its discussion onto Twitter to remain engaged with its viewers.

The results were spectacularly successful.  During its normal broadcast hour, Cashin’ In had nearly 5,000 mentions and for the day overall over 15K mentions. This was more than 4 times more than MSNBC’s Melissa Harris-Perry Show, which had the best mentions of any show actually broadcast.  Cashin’ In was also more than 10 times better than the run-down sounding Cavuto managed in Cashin’ In’s slot.

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I’ve said this before, but at risk of repetition, I don’t know why Fox News doesn’t give Eric Bolling more airtime — at least a full hour. He’s relentless in building and staying connected with his audience.

Raw data: 2015-01-10-ShowStats.csv

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Scott Stuart’s Death Dominates Cable News Twitter for Sunday, January 4, 2015

Cable News Trending Topics for 2015-01-04

The death of ESPN sportscaster Scott Stuart dominated Cable News Twitter conversations on Sunday, followed by Iran and the Roger Ebert documentary “Life Itself”:

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As a side note, as CNN is not showing the Blackfish documentary (and has not shown it for a while), I am not tracking its mentions anymore — at least until CNN decides to show it again.

Raw data for the day: 2015-01-04-TagStats.csv and 2015-01-04-WordStats.csv

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Roger Ebert wins Cable News Twitter on Sunday, 1/4/15

CNN’s airing of the Roger Ebert documentary “Life Itself” won the most mentions during an hour and throughout the day on Sunday.  In fact, all three hours of the showing (at 9, 10, and 11pm EST) were the most mentioned during the day:

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Following closely was MSNBC’s Melissa Harris-Perry, and, not quite as closely, Steve Kornacki.

That Kornacki does so well in the 8am and 9am slots is amazing and impressive (especially since it’s 5am on the west coast). That strength raises the question: Why not put him on at noon or shift the schedule back two hours to start him at 10am? Surely that would garner more viewers for the weekend overall.

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