Cashin’ In lights up Cable News Twitter on a sleepy holiday weekend (1/17/15)

Wow, what an amazing day for Fox News’ Cashin’ In! After being off the air (but not off Twitter) last weekend, the pent-up enthusiasm of #CashinIn fans delivered, Saturday morning, Twitter activity levels only seen on the very best days of Fox’s prime-time weekday shows.  Here are the top 30 shows for the day, which starkly shows Cashin In’s distance from second place:

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It’s impressive that on a holiday weekend, while the rest of Cable News seems to be on vacation, Cashin’ In’s “view crew” was out in force.

Raw data: 2015-01-17-ShowStats.csv

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Hannity sweeps Cable News Twitter on Thursday, January 15, 2015

Thursday saw a return to normal in Cable News Twitter with Hannity winning best hour and best day.  (I suppose you could say that normal was for The Kelly File to win best hour instead, although Kelly hasn’t been as consistent of a winner lately).

In terms of the top trending topic, every once in a while a single Tweet gets retweeted so often that it dominates the conversation.  This was Thursday’s:

As a result, #NewDay (the hashtag for the so named CNN show) was the top topic.

Raw Data:2015-01-15-ShowStats.csv2015-01-15-TagStats.csv2015-01-15-WordStats.csv
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