Fox News top Cable News Network on Twitter in January, 2015

Fox News was on top of Cable News Twitter in January, with more mentions than the other 4 networks.  CNN came in second and, on some days, even topped Fox News. MSNBC was in third play, but at no time exceeded the mentions of Fox or CNN.  HLN and Al Jazeera bumped along the bottom, with HLN occasionally showing a bit of life from time to time.

Charts after the jump:

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Kelly, Last Week Tonight win Cable News Twitter for Monday, February 9, 2015

The Kelly File won best hour in Cable News Twitter, while HBO’s Last Week Tonight (which has a repeat on Monday) won the best day overall.  Last Week Tonight’s strength follows on its win for best hour on Sunday; as the show airs so late in the evening on Sunday follow-on conversation naturally spills into Monday.

Following Kelly for best hour was Hannity, 7am Morning Joe, On The Record w/Greta Van Susteren, and 6 am Morning Joe:

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Raw data for the day: 2015-02-09-ShowStats.csv

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#WakeUpAmerica dominates Cable News Twitter on Sunday, February 8, 2015

Cable News Trending Topics for 2015-02-08

Fox News’ Cashin’ In may not have been on the air Sunday, but its new hashtag, #WakeUpAmerica, dominated the conversation on Cable News Twitter.

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It even outpaced #tcot, which isn’t particularly tied to any given show but just tags conservatives’ tweets.

Oh, and the misspelt #WakeUpAmeirca? 244 mentions compared to #WakeUpAmerica’s11,222 mentions.

Raw data for the day: 2015-02-08-TagStats.csv and 2015-02-08-WordStats.csv

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