Fox News’ Cashin’ In won Saturday, with a very respectable 5.2K tweets during the 11am hour. That’s better than the next 7 top ranked shows, combined. This is especially noticeable when you look at the graph:

Hello? Is there anyone else out there?
I usually look at an absolute metric of how many mentions a show gets, but sometime’s it’s important to put it into context. Last week, for example, Cashin’ In received over 7K mentions during its broadcast and this week it received over 5K. Does that mean there was a drop-off in the audiece? Not really — the numbers were down proportionally for all shows, probably because audiences were either away for the holiday weekend or off shopping for last minute valentine’s day gifts.
Raw data: 2015-02-14-ShowStats.csv
Final note: this week I started counting both Cashin’ In by itself as well as with the panel. The reach number for the panel seems slightly off to me, although the reach for the show with and without the panel are computed individually and it could be just a quirk of timing (for example, if someone is spamming #WakeUpAmerica and their account got shut down between when the two reaches are calculated). Twitter #s are always “inflight” because tweets and accounts can be deleted at any time. Since the two numbers are very, very close to each other, it’s not worth worrying about.
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