The Ed Show, Hannity win Cable News Twitter on Friday, 2/27/15

It’s been a while, but The Ed Show made its way back to the #1 spot with a Best Hour win in Cable News Twitter on Friday.  Hannity had the most mentions overall during the day. Following Ed were The Rachel Maddow Show, Hannity, On The Record w/Greta Van Susteren, and The Five:

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Raw Data: 2015-02-27-ShowStats.csv

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Obama Town Hall top topic in Cable News Twitter on Wednesday, 2/25/15

Cable News Trending Topics for 2015-02-25

No surprise, with the Obama Town Hall winning the day, President Obama and the town hall were the top topics in Cable News by a mile:

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Nonetheless, even though the subject of the town hall was immigration, ISIS still outranked immigration as a popular term.

Raw Data: 2015-02-25-TagStats.csv and 2015-02-25-WordStats.csv

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Obama Town hall, Jon Stewart top Cable News Twitter on Wednesday, 2/25/15

MSNBC’s Town Hall with President Obama (which was hosted by José Díaz-Balart) won both the best hour and the best day overall on Cable News Twitter.  Following the town hall was The Daily Show, based on Jon Stewart’s rant against Fox News, resulting in, ironically, President Obama and Jon Stewart kicking Fox News out of the top of the chart:

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Raw Data: 2015-02-25-ShowStats.csv

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