#WakeUpAmerica top trender in Cable News Twitter on Sunday, March 1, 2015

Cable News Trending Topics for 2015-03-01

Fox News’ Saturday morning show “Cashin’ In” uses the hashtag #WakeUpAmerica, and that was the top trending word or hashtag on Sunday.  Lower down the list was President Obama and A-Rod:

click to enlarge

click to enlarge

(The word “will” appears before it in the list.  Sometimes “will” is a name, but in this instance it is a “stop-word” and doesn’t count).

Raw data: 2015-03-01-TagStats.csv and 2015-03-01-WordStats.csv

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Melissa Harris-Perry, Hannity win Cable News Twitter on Sunday, March 1, 2015

Melissa Harris-Perry starts the month of March off with a win in Best Hour in Cable News, while Hannity kicks off the month with a Best Day overall.  Following fairly closely behind MHP for best hour were John Oliver’s Last Week Tonight, Hannity, the 10 am hour of Melissa Harris-Perry, and Show Up w/Steve Kornacki:

click to enlarge

click to enlarge

Raw data: 2015-03-01-ShowStats.csv

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#WakeUpAmerica top word or tag in Cable News Twitter on Saturday, 2/28/15

Cable News Trending Topics for 2015-02-28

#WakeUpAmerica, the hashtag used by Fox News’ Saturday morning program Cashin’ In, completely dominated Cable News Twitter on Saturday, garnering more Cable News mentions than Obama and #tcot combined1:

click to enlarge

click to enlarge

Raw Data: 2015-02-28-TagStats.csv and 2015-02-28-WordStats.csv


1: Note that this is #tcot mentions in the context of cable news shows, not overall. There were roughly 680K #tcot tweets overall; clearly, most were not referencing a cable news show.

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Cashin’ In Dominates Cable News Twitter on Saturday, 2/28/15

An uptick in Cashin’ In’s mentions on Saturday, as the show wins both best hour and best day overall to finish out the month.  Following Cashin’ In was the 3am showing of Red Eye (Goodbye, Greg!), each hour of Harris-Perry, and the 10pm showing of Hannity:

click to enlarge

click to enlarge

The nearly 6.5K mentions Cashin’ In had during the show was a nice boost over last week’s 5.4K. Cashin’ In had more mentions during its hour, in fact, than the next four shows combined did in their hours.

Raw data: 2015-02-28-ShowStats.csv

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The Dress dominates Cable News Twitter on Friday, 2/27/15

Cable News Trending Topics for 2015-02-27

The damn dress dominated Cable News Twitter on Friday.  No chart needed.

Raw data: 2015-02-27-TagStats.csv and 2015-02-27-WordStats.csv

Top Shows for the day:

Category Mentions Show
Most Mentions During Hour 2243 MSNBC: The Ed Show
Most Mentions During Day 13533 Fox News: Hannity

Overall ratings by network

Network Tweet Count Unique Tweeters Reach Male Female
Fox News 71250 34160 400236316 62 % 38 %
CNN 59353 45441 462350026 55 % 45 %
MSNBC 34812 15738 188824920 51 % 49 %
Comedy Central 6802 5338 48716301 51 % 49 %
HLN 2745 1926 22316847 45 % 55 %
HBO 2684 2026 9845067 64 % 36 %
Al Jazeera 2169 1657 18248176 56 % 44 %

Most popular hashtags

Hashtag Count
#thedress 11422
#tcot 7115
#blackandblue 6764
#art 6713
#alejandrovigilante 6701
#goldblack 6700
#wakeupamerica 5407
#cpac2015 4524
#lnyhbt 4042
#pjnet 3639

Tag Cloud across all shows

#2a #5things #ac360 #alejandrovigilante #art #atltraffic #benghazi #blackandblue #blackhistorymonth #blacklivesmatter #borisnemtsov #breaking #c2gthr #cashinin #ccot #cnn #cpac #cpac2015 #dailyshow #dhs #dhsshutdown #disclosure #edshow #feb27 #ff #findingjesus #foxnews #freeanni #ftil #goldblack #gop #greta #hannity #hardball #homansquare #immigration #impeachobama #inners #iran #irantalks #iraq #irs #isis #jonstewart #keepit100 #kellyfile #leonardnimoy #libcrib #livelongandprosper #llamadrama #llamas #lnyhbt #maddow #morningjoe #msnbc #nantucket #netneutrality #newday #news #nightlyshow #nonetneutrality #nonucleariran #nra #nsel #obama #obamalovesamerica #obamatownhall #oreillyfactor #p2 #pjnet #potus #raw #realtime #redeye #rednationrising #reiders #rip #ripleonardnimoy #sisterpatriots #spock #standwithbibi #startrek #stopmerger #tcot #tdsbreakingnews #teamedshow #teaparty #tgdn #thedress #thefive #thelead #thewonderlist #tlot #tntweeters #uniteblue #us #vulcansalute #wakeupamerica #whiteandgold #ycot


Word Cloud across all shows

000 83 according america american beloved best bill black blue boehner breaking color congress day dead debate debating dhs died dies dress first floor funding go going gold good gop great house immigration internet invades irs isis just know la last leonard like live look love made make may media missouri moment much need never new news nimoy now obama one owner paint people pictures president problem real really report republicans retweet right say says see senate shot show south spock star stop surreal take think time today tonight trek us video want watch way well white will world year