Cable News Trending Topics for 2015-03-17
The top trending topic yesterday was the Israeli election. The top trending hashtag was Fox News’ Cashin’ In’s #WakeUpAmerica.
Raw data: 2015-03-17-TagStats.csv and 2015-03-17-WordStats.csv
The top trending topic yesterday was the Israeli election. The top trending hashtag was Fox News’ Cashin’ In’s #WakeUpAmerica.
Raw data: 2015-03-17-TagStats.csv and 2015-03-17-WordStats.csv
Obama, Syria, Iraq, and #WakeUpAmerica are the top trenders in Cable News Twitter on Monday.
Raw data: 2015-03-16-TagStats.csv and 2015-03-16-WordStats.csv
There was no very dominant topic in Cable News on Sunday, although Obama and Iran trended towards the top. Fox News’ Saturday Show, Cashin’ In, had its hashtag, #WakeUpAmerica, trend at the very top of the list:
Be aware that the count of words and hashtags is only in the context of tweets that mention specific Cable News shows, not in general. Thus, for example, the total number of mentions of #tcot on Twitter will be several orders of magnitude higher than shown in the graph (I estimate it’s about 70K tweets yesterday in total).
Ferguson was the top, but not dominant topic on Cable News Twitter Thursday. Eric Bolling’s #WakeUpAmerica hashtag trended at the very top, boosted by his guest hosting of The O’Reilly Factor.
Raw data: 2015-03-13-TAGSTATS.CSV and 2015-03-13-WordStats.csv
Events in and about Ferguson dominated the news on Thursday, with the shooting of two policemen being the top topics.
Raw Data: 2015-03-12-TagStats.csv and 2015-03-12-WordStats.csv