Cable News Trending Topics for 2014-10-28
The failed rocket launch in Virginia ruled Cable News Twitter on Tuesday, lifting off from the rest of the other topics:

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That one really tall bar on the left? Justin Bieber’s selfie that used the hashtag #newday, making it hard to tell apart from CNN’s New Day show tweets…
Raw data files: 2014-10-28-TagStats.csv and 2014-10-28-WordStats.csv
Top Shows for the day:
Category |
Mentions |
Show |
Most Mentions During Hour |
1962 |
Fox News: The Kelly File |
Most Mentions During Day |
25445 |
CNN: New Day |
Overall ratings by network
Network |
Tweet Count |
Unique Tweeters |
Reach |
Male |
Female |
75368 |
60025 |
751482239 |
54 % |
46 % |
Fox News |
47427 |
24108 |
278101069 |
62 % |
38 % |
33215 |
13664 |
199531049 |
54 % |
46 % |
6463 |
4975 |
17400011 |
57 % |
43 % |
Comedy Central |
6366 |
5204 |
19208236 |
54 % |
46 % |
3680 |
1741 |
19690621 |
29 % |
71 % |
Al Jazeera |
1671 |
1273 |
7088004 |
55 % |
45 % |
558 |
444 |
10209299 |
53 % |
47 % |
300 |
225 |
10657318 |
47 % |
53 % |
Most popular hastags
Tag Cloud across all shows
#2a #5things #ac360 #antares #betterwithfriends #biafrans #blackfish #breaking #breakingnews #c2gthr #cashinin #ccot #climatechange #cnn #copolitics #dailyshow #ebola #edshow #emabiggestfansjustinbieber #emptythetanks #ferguson #firecarolcostello #foxnews #gamegate #gamergate #gop #greta #halloween #hannity #hardball #hbo #inners #iran #isis #jodiarias #johnoliver #kellyfile #kitterman #kysen #lastweektonight #lastword #lnyhbt #maddow #manupbabi #marvel #morningjoe #mostrecent #msnbc #msnbcvote #nasa #nerdland #newday #news #norobang #nra #nyc #obama #obamacare #oreillyfactor #outfront #outnumbered #p2 #pjnet #pleasert #raisethewage #realtime #redeye #rednationrising #reiders #riposcartaveras #seaworld #seoulbrothers #sgp #showusyourpeanuts #socialmediaorg #tcot #tdsbreakingnews #teamedshow #teamwendy #teaparty #tgdn #thecove #thefive #tlot #tntweeters #tpot #tpp #truth #tweet4dolphins #tweet4taiji #uniteblue #uniteright #uppers #usa #vote #waronwomen #washingtonredskins #wiunion #worldseries #yeswedid |
Word Cloud across all shows
000 africa against also american another apologizing back bad barkley big black blurry breaking calls change charles clearer community costumes’ country coverage dark day days dirty due ebola exploded explodes fat fox girl go going good great happened happy indicated job journey just know last launch lava less life liftoff like likes live loss love may minutes nasa need nephew new news now obama one opens paid people really right rocket said say says seconds secret section see show soon start still take thanks think time today tonight unmanned upon us video vote walmart want watch weed will woman women |