Cable News Trending Topics for 2014-11-10
Cable News Twitter was all over the board yesterday, with no real themes dominating the talk. President Obama came in first, but after that it gets fuzzy:
It is interesting to see how quickly ebola has dropped as a topic; it is ranked #146 yesterday with a bit over 300 mentions.
Raw data: 2014-11-10-TagStats.csv and 2014-11-10-WordStats.csv
Top Shows for the day:
Category | Mentions | Show |
Most Mentions During Hour | 3804 | Fox News: The Kelly File |
Most Mentions During Day | 6180 | Fox News: The Kelly File |
Overall ratings by network
Network | Tweet Count | Unique Tweeters | Reach | Male | Female |
Fox News | 40913 | 20393 | 318644295 | 62 % | 38 % |
CNN | 29651 | 20880 | 600084085 | 56 % | 44 % |
MSNBC | 21691 | 11091 | 147484623 | 57 % | 43 % |
HBO | 5823 | 4724 | 29574126 | 65 % | 35 % |
Comedy Central | 3588 | 3184 | 29681544 | 53 % | 47 % |
HLN | 2036 | 1261 | 23662057 | 33 % | 67 % |
CBS | 1493 | 1147 | 32017998 | 55 % | 45 % |
Al Jazeera | 1159 | 891 | 3414740 | 61 % | 39 % |
ABC | 720 | 618 | 15335291 | 37 % | 63 % |
Most popular hastags
Hashtag | Count |
#tcot | 3400 |
#kellyfile | 2846 |
#lnyhbt | 2311 |
#iran | 1874 |
#pjnet | 1568 |
#veteransday | 1485 |
#obamacare | 1423 |
#ferguson | 1354 |
#inners | 1270 |
#pmoi | 1251 |
Tag Cloud across all shows
#2a #5things #ac360 #acidattacks #betterwithfriends #botl #c2gthr #cashinin #cavuto #ccot #chicagoland #cnn #cnnhero #cnnheroes #ebola #edshow #election2014 #ferguson #flipthesenate #fns #foxnews #futureoftravel #glamourgop #godblessamerica #gop #greta #gruber #hannity #happyveteransday #hardball #immigration #inners #iran #irantal #irantalks #irantalksoman #iraq #isis #israel #kellyf #kellyfile #kobane #lastweektonight #lastword #lestweforget #lnyhbt #maddow #makedclisten #makeitright #marijuana #memorialday #morningjoe #msnbc #mtp #nerdland #netneutrality #newday #news #noamnesty #northkorea #nra #nyc #obama #obamacare #oreillyfactor #outnumbered #p2 #pjnet #pleasert #pmoi #pointergate #raw #reagan #realtime #redeye #rednationrising #reiders #religion #republicans #rosewatermovie #salmoncannon #sgp #tcot #tdsbreakingnews #teamedshow #teaparty #tgdn #thecycle #thefive #tlot #tpp #truth #uniteblue #usa #usmc239 #va #veterans #veteransday #vetsrising #zdf |
Word Cloud across all shows
11 239th action against america american americans app back big birthday black co confused congress day embarrass et favorite free go going good gop great happy help home hours immigration important isis just kids killed know last like likes long look love make man many mt much need nephew never new news next now obama obamacare one parents people please president re really report republicans right said say says school see service show speak special states still stop take talking thank thanks think time today tonight us use video want war watch watching way weed will work world year years |