Cable News Trending Topics for 2014-12-10
Torture, Report, #TortureReport, CIA — these are the top four terms used on Cable News Twitter, Wednesday.
Raw Data: 2014-12-10-TagStats.csv and 2014-12-10-WordStats.csv
Torture, Report, #TortureReport, CIA — these are the top four terms used on Cable News Twitter, Wednesday.
Raw Data: 2014-12-10-TagStats.csv and 2014-12-10-WordStats.csv
Yesterday’s release of the Senate’s CIA Torture report dominated Cable News Twitter talk, closely followed by President Obama’s appearance on The Colbert Report:
Raw Data: 2014-12-09-TagStats.csv and 2014-12-09-WordStats.csv
French Toast Crunch, the cereal that looks like little french toasts, is back, and that news completely swamped Cable News Twitter on Monday:
Perhaps Tuesday folks will return to the news…
Raw Data: 2014-12-08-TagStats.csv and 2014-12-08-WordStats.csv
The top topic for Sunday was the ongoing discussion around policing and race. But I want to make a note about the second place topic as well:
The events of December 7, 1941 reverberated around Cable News Twitter on Sunday. For many of us, Pearl Harbor predates our birth, that is true, but the effects of that day still touch our lives in so many ways.
Would the USA have entered World War II without it? Probably, but not certainly. The country we know today would not be the same had we not, that is for sure. For many of us, our parents served in the war, came home, and got a college education that might never have happened, and put our families into the middle class. For others, unfortunately, the ongoing indignities of discrimination at home were merely the next battlefield.
My father’s parents did not have college educations, but he got one, as did I, and the next generation has as well. We are all beneficiaries of the GI Bill in that way. Pearl Harbor was the spark that lit the fire with which our modern era was forged.
Here are the top 30 words & hashtags for the day:
Raw data for the day: 2014-12-07-TagStats.csv and 2014-12-07-WordStats.csv
The conversation on Saturday was about #CashinIn and #EricGarner (the man killed in a chokehold by NYC Police over selling untaxed cigarettes):
Raw data for day: 2014-12-06-TagStats.csv and 2014-12-06-WordStats.csv