Scott Stuart’s Death Dominates Cable News Twitter for Sunday, January 4, 2015

Cable News Trending Topics for 2015-01-04

The death of ESPN sportscaster Scott Stuart dominated Cable News Twitter conversations on Sunday, followed by Iran and the Roger Ebert documentary “Life Itself”:

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As a side note, as CNN is not showing the Blackfish documentary (and has not shown it for a while), I am not tracking its mentions anymore — at least until CNN decides to show it again.

Raw data for the day: 2015-01-04-TagStats.csv and 2015-01-04-WordStats.csv

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#Blackfish mentions leap out of the tank in Cable News Twitter on 1/2/15

Cable News Trending Topics for 2015-01-02

Update 3/28/16:

I’m not sure why people keep tweeting links to this old article, but, really, there’s nothing worthwhile here other than a historical analysis of what people were talking about on cable news over a year ago.  There is far more recent, and relevant, coverage of what’s happening at Seaworld elsewhere.

CNN’s perennial favorite documentary Blackfish, which was not shown, managed to pick up a huge amount of mentions on Cable News Twitter nonetheless as the topic has a life of its own, with over 40,000 mentions of #Blackfish.  Mentions of Iran were in a distant second.

Since Blackfish is not currently being shown on CNN, I’ll kill the counts of it in subsequent analyses (unless/until CNN reruns it).

Raw Data: 2015-01-02-TagStats.csv and 2015-01-02-WordStats.csv

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On New Year’s Eve, Cable News talks about … New Year’s Eve (12/31/14)

Cable News Trending Topics for 2014-12-31

On New Year’s Eve, everyone on Cable News Twitter was talking about … New Year’s Eve.

The top 3 words were New, Year, and Happy (in that order), and the top 3 hashtags were: #cnnnye, #foxnews2015, and #overit2014 (in that order).

Raw data: 2014-12-31-TagStats.csv and 2014-12-31-WordStats.csv

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