Nancy Grace wins Cable News Twitter again on Wednesday, January 14, 2014

Although Sean Hannity had the most mentions in an hour, the winner of Cable News Twitter on Wednesday has to go to Nancy Grace as the fallout over her Tuesday discussion with rapper 2 Chainz continued to light up Twitter.

Raw data for day: 2015-01-14-ShowStats.csv2015-01-14-TagStats.csv2015-01-14-WordStats.csv

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Nancy Grace wins Cable News Twitter on Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Nancy! Nancy! Nancy!  Nothing like a good debate with a rapper to get people talking. Nancy Grace’s talk with the rapper 2 Chainz lit up Twitter on Tuesday, giving Nancy a clean win of both best hour and best day on Cable News Twitter.

Despite that, the dominant conversation was still on the subject of events in Paris.

Raw data for the day: 2015-01-13-ShowStats.csv2015-01-13-TagStats.csv2015-01-13-WordStats.csv

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