#WakeUpAmerica top topic in Cable News Twitter on Saturday, 2/14/15

Cable News Trending Topics for 2015-02-14

Well, I’m not sure what people were talking about yesterday, but I know what show they were talking about:

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Fox News’ Cashin’ In, which uses the hashtag #WakeUpAmerica, was not only the top rated show in Cable News Twitter, but the top topic in Cable News Twitter as well.

Raw data: 2015-02-14-TagStats.csv and 2015-02-14-WordStats.csv

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Chapel Hill Shootings continue to Dominate Cable News Twitter on 2/12/15, and RIP David Carr

Cable News Trending Topics for 2015-02-12

The Chapel Hill shootings continued to dominate the conversation on Cable News Twitter on Thursday.  I thought perhaps that the passing of the NY Times’ David Carr would have gotten higher in the discussion, but since it was not being discussed in the context of Cable News shows, my filters missed a lot of the conversation.

Still, I estimate that there were roughly 70K tweets that mentioned him yesterday, which made him a huge topic of conversation (just not in relation to Cable News shows).

Here’s the top 30 items from the day:

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And the raw data: 2015-02-12-WordStats.csv and 2015-02-12-TagStats.csv

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Chapel Hill Shootings Dominate Cable News Twitter on Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Cable News Trending Topics for 2015-02-11

The shootings in Chapel Hill completely dominated the conversation on Cable News Twitter on Wednesday, with ongoing conversation about Jon Stewart’s retirement coming in a distant second:

click to enlarge

click to enlarge

Raw data: 2015-02-11-TagStats.csv and 2015-02-11-WordStats.csv

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