ISIS leads Cable News Twitter topics for Tuesday, 2/17/15

Cable News Trending Topics for 2015-02-17

ISIS  beat out HBO’s Last Week Tonight’s #JeffWeCan hashtag to be the top trending topic in Cable News Twitter on Tuesday, although the show itself had the most tweets throughout the day.

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If you combine #ISIS and the use of the word ISIS (without the #), then it had a clear and dominating lead over all other topics.

Raw data: 2015-02-17-TagStats.csv and 2015-02-17-WordStats.csv

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#JeffWeCan, John Oliver’s anti-Tobacco hashtag, dominates Cable News Twitter Monday, 2/16/15

Cable News Trending Topics for 2015-02-16

Sunday’s Last Week Tonight,  John Oliver’s weekend comedy/news show on HBO, did an extended report on big tobacco’s attempts to roll back anti-smoking laws outside of the USA.  At the end of the report, Oliver suggested a new mascot for Marlboro: Jeff the diseased lung in a cowboy outfit.  Along with the new mascot, Oliver introduced a new hashtag, #JefWeCan.  Monday the tag went viral:

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ISIS only managed to get a third of Jeff’s traffic on Twitter…

Raw data: 2015-02-16-TagStats.csv and 2015-02-16-WordStats.csv

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Conservative Hashtags top trenders in Cable News Twitter on Sunday, 2/15/15

Cable News Trending Topics for 2015-02-15

Conservative hashtags ruled the day on Cable News Twitter, with #tcot (Top Conservatives on Twitter), #WakeUpAmerica (Used by the Fox News show Cashin’ In), and #LNYHBT (used by Sean Hannity) taking the top 3 spots.  After those, Obama and ISIS rounded out the top 5:

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Raw Data: 2015-02-15-TagStats.csv and 2015-02-15-WordStats.csv

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