#WakeUpAmerica top word or tag in Cable News Twitter on Saturday, 2/28/15

Cable News Trending Topics for 2015-02-28

#WakeUpAmerica, the hashtag used by Fox News’ Saturday morning program Cashin’ In, completely dominated Cable News Twitter on Saturday, garnering more Cable News mentions than Obama and #tcot combined1:

click to enlarge

click to enlarge

Raw Data: 2015-02-28-TagStats.csv and 2015-02-28-WordStats.csv


1: Note that this is #tcot mentions in the context of cable news shows, not overall. There were roughly 680K #tcot tweets overall; clearly, most were not referencing a cable news show.

Top Shows for the day:

Category Mentions Show
Most Mentions During Hour 6457 Fox News: Cashin In
Most Mentions During Day 28101 Fox News: Cashin In

Overall ratings by network

Network Tweet Count Unique Tweeters Reach Male Female
Fox News 75001 25510 475772805 60 % 40 %
CNN 24735 16732 209968377 56 % 44 %
MSNBC 17042 8062 73238232 51 % 49 %
HBO 2177 1835 3806548 60 % 40 %
Comedy Central 1458 1187 5246072 57 % 43 %
Al Jazeera 1371 1110 5725379 60 % 40 %
HLN 948 710 1818473 44 % 56 %

Most popular hashtags

Hashtag Count
#wakeupamerica 21260
#tcot 11165
#redeye 5174
#lnyhbt 4077
#cashinin 4020
#pjnet 3731
#cpac2015 2918
#nerdland 2202
#ccot 1922
#iran 1885

Tag Cloud across all shows

#2a #americans #assyrians #avijitroy #bds #billoreilly #blacklivesmatter #bnpjamaat #breakgazasiege #cashinin #ccot #cnn #conservativevw #cpac #cpac2015 #cpacwaar #dailyshow #demandforaction #disclosure #edshow #elephantnosey #findingjesus #foxnews #freepalestine #gop #hannity #humanrights #humanrightsdefenders #impeachobama #inners #iran #irantalks #iraq #irs #isis #israel #istandwithisrael #istandwithmariam #jpolyboycott #june26 #justiceonfox #kellyfile #keystonexl #lnyhbt #lockup #maddow #makedclisten #msnbc #mtp #nerdland #netanyahu #netneutrality #newday #news #nonetneutrality #nonucleariran #nra #obama #obamacare #obamalovesamerica #obamanet #obamatownhall #ohn #outnumbered #p2 #pjnet #protest #realtime #redeye #rednationrising #rt #sisterpatriots #smashedit #standwithbibi #stopislam #tcot #teaparty #tgdn #thedress #tlot #tntweeters #turkey #un #uniteblue #uppers #us #usdaheadquartersdc #venezuela #veteran #w #wa #wake #wakeupa #wakeupam #wakeupame #wakeupameirca #wakeupamerica #weareallkhabour #youmightbealiberal #zionist


Word Cloud across all shows

2015 aid america american americans another app back ban bill black boris bush california co congress country cpac day days death dies eastern even go going good gop great hand high house illegal illegals immigrants immigration inside internet interview isis job just keep know last law leader like long love made make man media much must need nemtsov never new news nimoy’s now obama one people please pm president protection putin remember retweet right say says see seems show star state still stop syria take thank thanks think time today tonight trying us want watch way white will world year