Andrew Tahmooressi’s return dominates Cable News Twitter on Thursday, 11/6/14

Cable News Trending Topics for 2014-11-06

The freeing and subsequent return home of marine Andrew Tahmooressi from a Mexican jail dominated Cable News Twitter on Thursday.

Raw data: 2014-11-06-TagStats.csv and 2014-11-06-WordStats.csv

Top Shows for the day:

Category Mentions Show
Most Mentions During Hour 2326 Fox News: The Kelly File
Most Mentions During Day 7852 Fox News: Hannity

Overall ratings by network

Network Tweet Count Unique Tweeters Reach Male Female
Fox News 52221 25105 333039960 60 % 40 %
CNN 42903 28796 679108087 56 % 44 %
MSNBC 32474 12515 135251905 53 % 47 %
Comedy Central 5797 4998 39336255 55 % 45 %
HBO 3430 2436 17770252 56 % 44 %
HLN 3131 1275 7460329 26 % 74 %
CBS 2449 1127 18906559 26 % 74 %
Al Jazeera 1633 1177 6640541 49 % 51 %
ABC 172 154 5595738 53 % 47 %

Most popular hastags

Hashtag Count
#marinefreed 3876
#actfornosey 3733
#tcot 3727
#blackfish 2842
#lnyhbt 2590
#iran 2326
#kellyfile 2269
#morningjoe 1991
#inners 1715
#obama 1671

Tag Cloud across all shows

#2a #5things #ac360 #actfornosey #blackfish #boehner #c2gthr #campliberty #ccot #cdcwhistleblower #chicagoland #cnn #congress #dailyshow #ebola #edshow #election2014 #emptythetanks #execu #ferguson #fitz #florida #flushot #foxnews #freeamir #freedmarine #freejason #gadhimai #gop #greta #hannity #hardball #hbo #hearthiswell #immigration #immigrationreform #inners #iran #irantalks #iraq #isis #kellyfile #keystonexl #lastweektonight #lastword #lnyhbt #maddow #marinefr #marinefreed #midterms2014 #millionmaskmarch #morningjoe #msnbc #mtp #newday #news #nra #nyc #obama #obamacare #oreillyfactor #outnumbered #p2 #parchin #pjnet #realtime #redeye #rednationrising #reiders #republicans #rezaian #seaworld #selfies #sgp #specialreport #statehoodnow #stossel #syria #tahmooressi #taiji #tbt #tcot #tdsbreakingnews #teamedshow #teamfbn #teaparty #terror #tgdn #thecove #thecycle #thefive #thelead #tlot #toystory4 #tweet4dolphins #tweet4taiji #uniteblue #usa #vaccine #vaccinecourt


Word Cloud across all shows

200 90 alive america andrew back big boehner came care city co congress continue day democrats dems despite eat election elephant feed found fox giving go going good gop great help homeless hope house immigration interview just killed know last like ll look love make man media military need needs new news next night nosey nosey’s now obama old one ordinance party people pizza president printer real really report republicans rides right said say says see sgt show still stop tahmooressi take think time tonight two us use veteran violations vote voters want watch well will work wwii year years