Trending Topics in Cable News for Wednesday, February 5, 2014 — Piers is Cricket

Cable News Trending Topics for 2014-02-05

Piers Morgan managed to dominate the conversation on cable news Twitter on Wednesday, bringing in both the best single hour as well as the most mentions during the day.  Most of his mentions seem to be about cricket; as always with Piers, his strong international presence often drives huge volumes of conversation, even if the conversation isn’t US based. 

If you want to see, in detail, what Piers was talking about — and what people who mentioned Piers were talking about — you can see a detailed analysis here.

Top Shows for the day:

Category Mentions Show
Most Mentions During Hour 4589 CNN: Piers Morgan Live
Most Mentions During Day 42605 CNN: Piers Morgan Live

You can see detailed hour by hour, show by show ratings for the day here.

Overall ratings by network

Network Tweet Count Unique Tweeters Reach Male Female
CNN 62860 35114 724535721 60 % 40 %
MSNBC 29438 12139 122777099 52 % 48 %
Fox News 26407 14505 111898315 62 % 38 %
E 14472 7814 337667262 20 % 80 %
Comedy Central 9919 8474 22155109 60 % 40 %
Al Jazeera 3688 2446 15461703 55 % 45 %
HLN 2681 1670 7357228 33 % 67 %
HBO 897 682 4017663 67 % 33 %

Most popular hastags

Hashtag Count
#tcot 5091
#hottieoftheweek 4776
#lnyhbt 3304
#teaparty 2108
#p2 1726
#maddow 1599
#edshow 1546
#obamacare 1526
#pussyriot 1454
#inners 1426

Tag Cloud across all shows

#17t #2a #5things #ac360 #aca #asksean #benghazi #biggestloser #blackfish #blameitontherain #bridgegate #bringbackkp #c2gthr #campliberty #cbo #ccot #cnn #crossfire #cvs #dailyshow #dmx #ecbc #ecbclowns #edshow #eonlinechat #flipadistrict #foxnews #freeajstaff #georgezimmerman #girlslikeus #gop #hannity #hardball #harrypotter #hottieoftheweek #humanrights #inners #iran #iraq #irs #itsjustpuerto #keepwolveslisted #kellyfile #keystonexl #kpsacked #kxl #lastword #lgbt #libcrib #lnyhbt #maddow #morningjoe #msnbc #nerdland #newday #news #noamnesty #nokxl #nra #nyc #obama #obamacare #ocra #ofa #olympics #orpuw #p2 #pjnet #politicsnation #pussyriot #realtime #redefiningrea #redefiningrealness #redeye #rednationrising #russia #securetheborder #shaunwhite #snowden #sochi #sochi2014 #stopandfrisk #superbowl #syria #t #tcot #tdsbreakingnews #teamedshow #teamjanet #teaparty #tgdn #thefive #thelead #tlot #trans #uniteblue #wearethepeople #weather #wiunion #wizspurs


Word Cloud across all shows

abuse allowed also america american baby back best better bill call can cbo cigarettes congress cvs day england even ever every fear find first fox get girl give go going good got great help interview job jobs just know kp last life like little live look love make man much need never new news next now obama obamacare one people piers please polite pussy read really rehab report right riot said say says scuffle see show something still stop take team thing think time tobacco today tonight trans us vagina victim want watch way well went will woman work wrong