Walter Scott Shooting Dominates Cable News Twitter on Wednesday, 4/8/15

Cable News Trending Topics for 2015-04-08

The shooting of Walter Scott in South Carolina completely dominated the conversation on Cable News Twitter yesterday.  It was interesting to see the divergence in the networks: while Fox News had more mentions overall, CNN had more people tweeting.

Raw data: 2015-04-08-TagStats.csv and 2015-04-08-WordStats.csv

Top Shows for the day:

Category Mentions Show
Most Mentions During Hour 3615 Fox News: The Kelly File
Most Mentions During Day 12146 CNN: Anderson Cooper 360

Overall ratings by network

Network Tweet Count Unique Tweeters Reach Male Female
Fox News 78118 31636 399256194 60 % 40 %
CNN 69399 48117 980596557 53 % 47 %
MSNBC 29000 13153 129449445 51 % 49 %
HLN 1654 947 19579883 44 % 56 %

Most popular hashtags and words

Word or Hashtag Count
#walterscott 18681
#wakeupamerica 17583
death 14438
guilty 12134
tsarnaev 11240
#tcot 11073
dzhokhar 10406
video 10030
shooting 9839
obama 9214

Tag Cloud across all shows

#2a #5things #ac360 #amirhekmati #amnesty #articlev #ballparkfood #benghazi #bergdahl #biggov #blacklivesmatter #bostonbomber #bostonbombing #breaking #c2gthr #ccot #celebrityawards2015 #christianbashing #christians #climatechange #cnn #commoncore #constitution #cosproject #disclosure #edshow #ferguson #fnpolitics #foxnews #freeamirnow #freedom #glabberchallenge #gop #gottadoit #gunsense #hannity #hardball #humpday #i #inners #iran #irandeal #irantalks #isis #jilltahmooressi #kellyfile #kurtcobain #lastword #lnyhbt #maddow #makedclisten #michaelbrown #michaelslager #morningjoe #msnbc #newbethvideo #newday #news #nonucleariran #notsolovingmuslims #nra #obama #obamacare #obamadestroyingamerica #outnumbered #p2 #pjnet #profligatespending #randpaul #redeye #rednationrising #religionofpeace #religiousfreedom #replacewriterwithplumber #rt #sisterpatriots #slager #southcarolina #standwithrand #stophillary2016 #stophr5 #stopislam #tcot #teamedshow #teaparty #tedcruz #tedcruz2016 #tgdn #thefive #time100 #tlot #tsarnaev #uk #uniteblue #us #veterans #wakeupam #wakeupamerica #walterscott #ycot


Word Cloud across all shows

30 african america american americans back black bomber bombing boston carolina change charged christians co contains content cop cops counts day death dzhokhar every face faced family first found go god good graphic great guilty hillary house htt interview iran judge jury just killed killing know less life like man marathon mother mt murder muslim need new news now obama officer one paul penalty people police president public rand really report right say says scene see shooting shot show south stop story take think time today trial tsarnaev tweet unless us verdict video want watch watching way white will world