Trending Topics in Cable News Twitter on Saturday, March 28, 2015

Cable News Trending Topics for 2015-03-28

I think I would have expected the Germanwings crash, or Hillary’s emails, or something to dominate the conversation on Cable News Twitter yesterday, but nothing bubbled to the top…

Raw data: 2015-03-28-TagStats.csv and 2015-03-28-WordStats.csv

Top Shows for the day:

Category Mentions Show
Most Mentions During Hour 5411 Fox News: Cashin In
Most Mentions During Day 30218 Fox News: Cashin In

Overall ratings by network

Network Tweet Count Unique Tweeters Reach Male Female
Fox News 62970 22175 403355771 59 % 41 %
CNN 29820 18668 194424066 59 % 41 %
MSNBC 12832 6315 46145393 51 % 49 %

Most popular hashtags and words

Word or Hashtag Count
#wakeupamerica 23722
#tcot 11530
#pjnet 6499
obama 4866
just 4058
#lnyhbt 3833
us 3163
one 3142
will 3002
america 2780

Tag Cloud across all shows

#11million #2a #ainf #amandaknox #arabspring #badgers #benghazi #bergdahl #bignews #bluelivesmatter #boycottindiana #c2gthr #cashinin #ccot #christians #clutch #cnn #constitution #disclosure #enddogmeat #ferguson #finalfour #fns #foxnews #freedom #ftn #germanwings #germanwingsqs #gop #gunsense #hannity #harryreid #hillary #holyweek #icc4israel #iheartradio #immigrants #immigrationreform #iran #irantalks #isis #israel #istandwithisrael #justiceonfox #justiceopen #kellyfile #kentucky #lcfi #letnoseygo #lnyhbt #makedclisten #mobilemike #molonlabe #mtp #ncaa #nerdland #newday #news #nigeriadecides #nonucleariran #nonukes4iran #nra #oathkeepers #obama #obamacare #obamadestroyingamerica #ogretmenlermeydanlarda #p2 #patriots #peace #peaceinafrica #pjnet #prolife #redeye #rednationrising #rt #sisterpatriots #sot #stopislam #takeourcountryback #tcot #teaparty #tedcruz #tedcruz2016 #tgdn #thewonderlist #tiot #tlot #uk #uniteblue #uniteright #uppers #us #veterans #wa #wakeupame #wakeupamerica #ycot #yemen #yeswecode


Word Cloud across all shows

africa al america another app back better black car clinton co cop countries country crash deal death emails ever face fight first free go good great happen happy head health help hillary house huge iran israel just know law let like london love made make man many mt much need needs never new news next now nuclear ny obama one peace people pilot plan plane please police president railways re retweet right russian say says see server shot show stop take things think time today truth tweet un us video vote want war watch way white will wiped world year