Saturday’s Cable News Twitter: #CashinIn and @realDonaldTrump (1/31/15)

Saturday’s conversation on Cable News Twitter was still somewhat all over the board, with no topic jumping out as dominant.  Fox News’ show Cashin’ In got its hashtag into first place, but that’s more about what show people were watching and less about what they were discussing.  Here’s the top 30 words and hashtags used:

click to enlarge

click to enlarge

Here’s the most popular Cable News tweet from Saturday (based on retweets):

Raw data for the day: 2015-01-31-TagStats.csv and 2015-01-31-WordStats.csv

Cable News Trending Topics for 2015-01-31

Top Shows for the day:

Category Mentions Show
Most Mentions During Hour 5100 Fox News: Cashin In
Most Mentions During Day 15018 Fox News: Cashin In

Overall ratings by network

Network Tweet Count Unique Tweeters Reach Male Female
Fox News 51731 21997 292352083 60 % 40 %
CNN 24455 15729 214997761 56 % 44 %
MSNBC 18045 8568 114056056 52 % 48 %
HBO 2137 1577 5923025 64 % 36 %
HLN 1570 1254 19303704 49 % 51 %
Comedy Central 1568 1295 7326047 50 % 50 %
Al Jazeera 1207 956 6988305 55 % 45 %

Most popular hastags

Hashtag Count
#cashinin 10787
#tcot 7626
#iran 3715
#lnyhbt 2860
#irantalks 2632
#nerdland 2572
#pjnet 2405
#ccot 1274
#kellyfile 1234
#uppers 1048

Tag Cloud across all shows

#14a #1a #2a #americansniper #australianopen #bergdahl #breaking #bullsandbears #c2gthr #cashinin #ccot #cdcwhistleblower #chriskyle #cnn #cnnafrica #cnnsnapchat #dhsin2015 #disclosure #edshow #esahora31e #et #eu #fnpolitics #fns #foxnews #gitmo #gop #gratitude #gunsense #h4ead #h4eadjan15 #hannity #ily15 #inners #insurgents #iran #iranian #irantalks #irantalksvienna #iraq #isis #isis_genocide #islamicterrorism #israel #justiceonfox #justiceopen #keepit100 #kellyfile #kenjigoto #lnyhbt #maddow #marissaalexander #measles #middleclasseconomics #morningjoe #msnbc #mtp #nerdland #newday #news #nightlyshow #nobamacare #nra #obama #obamacare #ocra #p2 #phillies #pjnet #prolife #realtime #realtimehbo #redeye #rednationrising #sanctions #sb49 #scotus #sisterpatriots #snapchat #superbowl #superbowlxlix #syria #t #taliban #tcot #tdsbreakingnews #teaparty #terror #tgdn #thingsbetterthanscarborough #tlot #truth #ufo #uniteblue #uniteright #uppers #usa #viewcrew #yemen #youmightbealiberal


Word Cloud across all shows

2nd again against america american app ask back bill bobbi bowl breaking brown bush call care chris co daughter day donald et found go good gop great history honor hope house houston’s isis japanese just know kristina kyle life light like love make man many morning muslim must need never new news next now obama one order peace people please president reality really right say says see show shows space state still stop super sure take talking terrorists texas thanks think time today trump unresponsive us video vote want war watch watching way week wh white whitney will world year