Cable News Trending Topics for 2015-01-18
Discussions about Iran had a slight lead in the conversation on Cable News Twitter on Sunday:
Raw data: 2015-01-18-TagStats.csv and 2015-01-18-WordStats.csv
Discussions about Iran had a slight lead in the conversation on Cable News Twitter on Sunday:
Raw data: 2015-01-18-TagStats.csv and 2015-01-18-WordStats.csv
Sean Hannity’s American Sniper special won Cable News Twitter on Sunday, getting both the best hour and best day wins. Hannity was followed by Melissa Harris-Perry:
Raw data for the day: 2015-01-18-ShowStats.csv
The combination of a three-day weekend and a very busy business travel schedule have kept me pinned down….
While Cashin’ In managed to clearly dominate the day on Cable News, the list of topics was a bit less clear:
Make of it what you will. Here’s the raw data for the day:
Wow, what an amazing day for Fox News’ Cashin’ In! After being off the air (but not off Twitter) last weekend, the pent-up enthusiasm of #CashinIn fans delivered, Saturday morning, Twitter activity levels only seen on the very best days of Fox’s prime-time weekday shows. Here are the top 30 shows for the day, which starkly shows Cashin In’s distance from second place:
It’s impressive that on a holiday weekend, while the rest of Cable News seems to be on vacation, Cashin’ In’s “view crew” was out in force.
Raw data: 2015-01-17-ShowStats.csv