Grand Prix, Nato top of Cable News Twitter topics, 1/28/15

Cable News Trending Topics for 2015-01-28

Strange that the Grand Prix de Monaco seems to be bubbling to the top of topics; if this keeps up I will investigate why.  Also at the top of topics is NATO:

2015-01-28 WordTags.csv

Raw data: 2015-01-28-TagStats.csv and 2015-01-28-WordStats.csv

Top Shows for the day:

Category Mentions Show
Most Mentions During Hour 3470 Fox News: The Kelly File
Most Mentions During Day 10772 MSNBC: Morning Joe

Overall ratings by network

Network Tweet Count Unique Tweeters Reach Male Female
Fox News 53262 23496 336684143 63 % 37 %
CNN 39101 25915 1031744921 55 % 45 %
MSNBC 32827 17242 144593968 50 % 50 %
Comedy Central 5802 4209 34877591 57 % 43 %
HLN 5542 3976 56296785 65 % 35 %
Al Jazeera 1632 1132 4246442 57 % 43 %
HBO 1318 1021 5844132 65 % 35 %

Most popular hashtags

Hashtag Count
#race 6507
#nato 6503
#monaco 6499
#tcot 4369
#kellyfile 4032
#iran 3083
#lnyhbt 2919
#disclosure 1998
#maddow 1930
#pjnet 1876

Tag Cloud across all shows

#2a #5things #ac360 #aljazeera #americansniper #auschwitz #auschwitz70 #bangladesh #bellletstaik #bellletstalk #benghazi #bergdahl #blizzard #blizzard2015 #blizzardof2015 #bostonstrong #botl #bowebergdahl #c2gthr #cashinin #ccot #cdcwhistleblower #challenger #cnn #cnnsnow #dailyshow #deflategate #disclosure #edshow #epnnotehagasmenso #et #etsy #fns #foxnews #geek #gop #greta #hannity #hardball #immigration #inners #iran #irantalks #irantalksvienna #isis #israel #keepit100 #kellyfile #keystonexl #lastword #legalpanel #lnyhbt #lorettalynch #maddow #marissaalexander #measles #monaco #morningjoe #msnbc #nato #nerdland #netanyahu #newday #news #nightlyshow #notonmywatch #nra #obama #obamacare #outnumbered #p2 #pjnet #pot2blame #race #realtime #redeye #rednationrising #reiders #savebangladesh #sgp #shoppershour #sisterpatriots #specialreport #stepdownhasina #taliban #tcot #tdsbreakingnews #teamedshow #teaparty #tgdn #thecircleofcash #thefive #thelead #tlot #ufo #uniteblue #uniteright #usa #voicesofauschwitz #zombiecat


Word Cloud across all shows

against air airs alive america american auschwitz back best buried calling children co come congress day days dead deal enough et even everyone first five go going good gop great help holocaust house interview isis israel jail job just know koch later like love lynch make man money much must need never new news next now obama oh one pay people please president real really report right roc run say says see show snow state still storm story survivor tak take think time today tonight top truth us voices want war watch watching way well white will world years yes