Iran leads conversation on Cable News Twitter, 1/18/15

Cable News Trending Topics for 2015-01-18

Discussions about Iran had a slight lead in the conversation on Cable News Twitter on Sunday:

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Raw data: 2015-01-18-TagStats.csv and 2015-01-18-WordStats.csv

Top Shows for the day:

Category Mentions Show
Most Mentions During Hour 1905 Fox News: Hannity
Most Mentions During Day 10202 Fox News: Hannity

Overall ratings by network

Network Tweet Count Unique Tweeters Reach Male Female
Fox News 50695 24410 290627878 64 % 36 %
CNN 36711 24090 357138044 61 % 39 %
MSNBC 18313 9160 105225278 58 % 42 %
HBO 1943 1542 4536021 64 % 36 %
CBS 1866 1264 28667452 61 % 39 %
HLN 1434 968 3822433 54 % 46 %
Al Jazeera 1357 1019 4967472 63 % 37 %
ABC 906 541 15725019 68 % 32 %
Comedy Central 863 720 5738586 55 % 45 %

Most popular hashtags

Hashtag Count
#iran 6688
#tcot 4897
#irantalks 3373
#nerdland 2844
#lnyhbt 2391
#mtp 2102
#pjnet 1665
#disclosure 1500
#fns 1389
#cashinin 1328

Tag Cloud across all shows

#170kchristians #1a #2a #aca #americansniper #americaunearthed #apero #boicotbimbo #breaking #bringericahome #burma #c2gthr #cashinin #caymaneats #ccot #cdcwhistleblower #charliehebdo #chicagoland #chriskyle #cnn #crimeisdown #disclosure #disgraceful #ericacrippencrosby #f #fns #foxnews #foxnewsfacts #ftn #gitmo #gop #gopackgo #hannity #hebdo #humanrights #inners #iran #irantalks #iraq #isis #isis_genocide #islam #israel #jessicachambers #jesuischarlie #jordan #justiceforjessica #kellyfile #libcrib #lnyhbt #lpj #maddow #michaelmooreismoreworthlessthan #mlk #morningjoe #mtp #méxico #nerdland #newday #news #nfl #nogozone #nogozones #nokxl #nra #obama #outnumbered #p2 #paris #pjnet #popefrancisph #pot2blame #prolife #realtime #redeye #rednationrising #scared #seahawks #shiraz #sisterpatriots #sot #sotu #stateoftheunioninthreewords #sundayservice #syria #tabriz #tco #tcot #tdsbreakingnews #teaparty #tgdn #thisweek #tlot #tntweeters #uk #ukraine #uniteblue #uniteright #uppers #usa


Word Cloud across all shows

against air american ball better bowl chris co crash driver et fired fox francis free game gave go god good great happy help hey home huge increases just know last life like line love lynch manila many marshawn mass michael millions miss mom mother need never new news night now obama one open people petition pinned please pope president protest reality richard right said say says seattle see semi sherman shots show sign state still super tax td tehran tells terrifying terrorism thing think time times told trucks truth ufo us waiting want wants watch way went will wish workers