#Blackfish mentions leap out of the tank in Cable News Twitter on 1/2/15

Cable News Trending Topics for 2015-01-02

Update 3/28/16:

I’m not sure why people keep tweeting links to this old article, but, really, there’s nothing worthwhile here other than a historical analysis of what people were talking about on cable news over a year ago.  There is far more recent, and relevant, coverage of what’s happening at Seaworld elsewhere.

CNN’s perennial favorite documentary Blackfish, which was not shown, managed to pick up a huge amount of mentions on Cable News Twitter nonetheless as the topic has a life of its own, with over 40,000 mentions of #Blackfish.  Mentions of Iran were in a distant second.

Since Blackfish is not currently being shown on CNN, I’ll kill the counts of it in subsequent analyses (unless/until CNN reruns it).

Raw Data: 2015-01-02-TagStats.csv and 2015-01-02-WordStats.csv

Top Shows for the day:

Category Mentions Show
Most Mentions During Hour 994 Fox News: The Five w/Hosts
Most Mentions During Day 4839 MSNBC: MSNBC Live

Overall ratings by network

Network Tweet Count Unique Tweeters Reach Male Female
CNN 72093 17857 378743319 27 % 73 %
Fox News 41288 19587 158030007 62 % 38 %
MSNBC 11543 6155 60422767 58 % 42 %
Al Jazeera 1405 1054 9893843 50 % 50 %
HBO 1109 826 3310767 66 % 34 %
HLN 848 728 8380683 62 % 38 %
Comedy Central 217 190 600102 46 % 54 %
CBS 203 181 1831853 53 % 47 %
ABC 142 130 4059155 60 % 40 %

Most popular hashtags

Hashtag Count
#blackfish 43847
#tweet4tilikum 40984
#seaworld 22359
#emptythetanks 20386
#iran 6020
#lolita 3452
#irantalks 3000
#disclosure 2983
#tcot 2743
#tilikum 2411

Tag Cloud across all shows

#1 #1a #2a #aaa #ab2140 #airasia #americanexpress #backtothefuture #blackfish #blacklivesmatter #breaking #campliberty #captivitykills #cashinin #ccot #cdcwhistleblower #citypass #cnn #cnnnye #cocacola #corky #cruelty #disclosure #dolphins #dontbuyaticket #edshow #emptythetanks #ff #follow #foxnews #foxnews2015 #freecorky #freekiska- #freelolita #fullrepeal #gop #gruber #hannity #happyandhealthy #harleydavidson #hulu #humanrights #inners #iran #irantalks #iraq #isis #kellyfile #keto #kiska #kyuquot #lifeitself #lnyhbt #lolita #maddow #mariocuomo #mattel #miamidolphins #morgan #morningjoe #msnbc #newday #news #newyear #newyearsresolution #nickelodeon #nyc #nypd #obama #obamacare #opkillingbay #orcas #orkid #outnumbered #overit2014 #p2 #pjnet #prolife #qz8501 #realtime #redeye #rednationrising #seaworld #seaworldpic #sony #sot #sugarbowl #tcot #teamedshow #teaparty #tgdn #thecove #thefive #tilikum #tlot #tweet4dolphins #tweet4taiji #tweet4tilikum #tweet4tilkum #uniteblue


Word Cloud across all shows

2014 2015 back bassett bill breaking bring captive captivity change co come congressional cuomo day de dead death demand denial employees end et evidence factory family free good great happy hearing help home ht join just killed killer know korea life like live longer make man marine mario may need never new news now obama old one option orca oregon people please police protest re release retweet right sanctions say says seaworld see show shows speak st state steve still stop support things think tilikum time today two ufo us watch whale whales wild will workers world year years yet