Air Asia Flight Dominates Cable News Twitter, 12/28/14

Cable News Trending Topics for 2014-12-28

The crash of the Air Asia flight dominated Cable News Twitter on Sunday, December 28th.

Raw Data: 2014-12-28-TagStats.csv and 2014-12-28-WordStats.csv

Top Shows for the day:

Category Mentions Show
Most Mentions During Hour 534 CNN: CNN International
Most Mentions During Day 6001 CNN: CNN International

Overall ratings by network

Network Tweet Count Unique Tweeters Reach Male Female
CNN 34635 23230 442115192 56 % 44 %
Fox News 28601 14547 138320408 60 % 40 %
MSNBC 16192 9239 70644222 59 % 41 %
CBS 2410 1599 26884222 57 % 43 %
Al Jazeera 1434 1199 11376087 53 % 47 %
HLN 1158 992 3974891 57 % 43 %
HBO 879 651 3251637 63 % 37 %
ABC 635 489 14396985 65 % 35 %
Comedy Central 236 199 603469 41 % 59 %

Most popular hashtags

Hashtag Count
#airasia 5568
#tcot 4404
#qz8501 2842
#lnyhbt 2617
#iran 2579
#nypd 2150
#blackfish 1966
#mh370 1791
#pjnet 1776
#fns 1624

Tag Cloud across all shows

#14a #1a #2016 #2a #8501qs #africanentrepreneurs #airasia #airasia8501 #americainfivewords #blackfish #blacklivesmatter #breaking #c2gthr #campliberty #cashinin #ccot #chicagoland #christmas #cnn #cnnheroes #cspan #deathpenalty #deblasio #detvsgb #dgaf #diadelosinocentes #disclosure #edshow #emptythetanks #ferguson #flight8501 #fns #foxnews #foxnews2015 #freeajstaff #freelolita #gop #gruber #hannity #humanrights #icantbreathe #inners #inspiration #iran #irantalks #iraq #isis #isis_genocide #kellyfile #libcrib #lnyhbt #maddow #malaysiaairlines #marchforlolita #maryamrajavi #medicalsiege #mh17 #mh370 #msnbc #mtp #nerdland #neverforget #newday #news #normanatlantic #nra #nyc #nycmayor #nyfd #nypd #nypd23 #obama #opkillingbay #opseaworld #p2 #pjnet #pmoi #potbarons #prolife #qz8501 #realtime #redeye #rednationrising #seaworld #sgmd #sundayservice #tcot #teaparty #tgdn #thisweek #tlot #tpp #trophyhuntinglies #tweet4taiji #uniteblue #uppers #usa #wtc #yamecanse14 #yamecanse15


Word Cloud across all shows

162 2014 agree air airasia back bad based bbc believe better bill black blasio board breaking brown calling cnn co come contact cops daily de diss due end experiences ferry fire first flight fox go goes good gop handle heard help ignore indonesia jet just killed know la like lost mail malaysians’ man mayor media memorial missing need never new news now nypd obama one passengers people plane please police president reliable rescue retweet right said say says search see sharpton show singapore sources spokesman still think time today track us want watch way weather will world year years yes