Cashin’ In wins a quieter Saturday on Cable News Twitter, 12/6/14

Another strong winning Saturday for Fox News’ Cashin’ In, although down a bit from its recent peak.  There appears to be nothing fundamental about this — just a slower news day.  #CashinIn still was the most popular word or hashtag overall.

Here are the top 30 shows in terms of winning their hours:

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Click to enlarge

And the raw data for the day: 2014-12-06-ShowStats.csv and 2014-12-06 Schedule.csv

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Garner killing dominates Cable News Twitter Topics on Thursday, 12/4/14

Cable News Trending Topics for 2014-12-04

Continuing discussion over the grand jury’s no bill in the case of Eric Garner and the protests that generated dominated cable news Twitter on Thursday.  There were ongoing conversation on other topics, as well, but nothing that matched the intensity of the Garner conversation.

Raw data: 2014-12-04-TagStats.csv and 2014-12-04-WordStats.csv

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