Cable News Trending Topics for 2014-12-24
“Police” barely beat out “Christmas” for the top trending term on Christmas Eve, 2014:
Raw data for day: 2014-12-24-TagStats.csv and 2014-12-24-WordStats.csv
Top Shows for the day:
Category | Mentions | Show |
Most Mentions During Hour | 591 | MSNBC: MSNBC Live |
Most Mentions During Day | 5800 | Fox News: Hannity |
Overall ratings by network
Network | Tweet Count | Unique Tweeters | Reach | Male | Female |
Fox News | 42984 | 22215 | 155543321 | 66 % | 34 % |
CNN | 29664 | 18234 | 224990066 | 58 % | 42 % |
MSNBC | 14085 | 8531 | 55338263 | 59 % | 41 % |
Al Jazeera | 1193 | 950 | 4620265 | 63 % | 37 % |
HBO | 957 | 746 | 1838713 | 68 % | 32 % |
HLN | 935 | 646 | 10264094 | 45 % | 55 % |
Comedy Central | 370 | 263 | 1254637 | 68 % | 32 % |
CBS | 195 | 144 | 2383402 | 55 % | 45 % |
ABC | 80 | 64 | 400058 | 39 % | 61 % |
Most popular hastags
Hashtag | Count |
#antoniomartin | 3397 |
#iran | 2998 |
#irantalks | 2621 |
#christmas | 2075 |
#blackfish | 1890 |
#tcot | 1645 |
#sony | 1599 |
#youtube | 1452 |
#lnyhbt | 1250 |
#nypd | 1197 |
Tag Cloud across all shows
#2a #5things #abedini #alsharpton #america #antoniomart #antoniomartin #benghazi #berkeley #blackfish #blackjesus #blacklivesmatter #blacksanta #bluelivesmatter #boycottsororitysisters #breaking #c2gthr #campliberty #cashinin #ccot #chicagoland #christmas #christmaseve #cia #cnn #cnnheroes #cnnwomen #denver #ebola #edshow #emptythetanks #epn #ericgarner #ferguson #festivus #florida #foxnews #freedom #gop #hannity #happyholidays #inners #inspiration #iran #irantalks #iraq #isis #jetblue #kellyfile #lnyhbt #maddow #medicalsiege #merrychristmas #mexico #morningjoe #msnbc #nbachristmasday #newday #news #newworldorderless #nra #nypd #nypdlivesmatter #oakwood #oakwoodmall #obama #opkillingbay #opseaworld #outnumbered #p2 #pentagon #pjnet #ptsd #realtime #redeye #rednationrising #resigndeblasio #santaclaus #scottyfox #scottyfoxandfriendschristmas #seaworld #sony #syria #taiji #taliban #tcot #teaparty #tgdn #thefive #theinterview #tlot #toddschristmas #tweet4dolphins #tweet4taiji #unbroken #uniteblue #usa #yamecanse12 #yamecanse13 #youtube |
Word Cloud across all shows
200 2014 another ap app ass away back backed balance big black call christmas city cop cops daddy darren day defense eve family ferguson fired forget fox getting good great gun happy individual interview interview’ isis just juvenile killed know lead life like lost love make man mayor merry never new news now obama officer one people please police post quoted retweet right say says see sharpton shooting shot shots show since source st story stream supremacist tells thank think time times today tomorrow tried turns two us values video want watch white will wilson’s witness women world year years |