French Toast Crunch wins Cable News Twitter on Monday, 12/8/14

Cable News Trending Topics for 2014-12-08

French Toast Crunch, the cereal that looks like little french toasts, is back, and that news completely swamped Cable News Twitter on Monday:

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Perhaps Tuesday folks will return to the news…

Raw Data: 2014-12-08-TagStats.csv and 2014-12-08-WordStats.csv

Top Shows for the day:

Category Mentions Show
Most Mentions During Hour 3449 Fox News: Hannity
Most Mentions During Day 9190 Fox News: Hannity

Overall ratings by network

Network Tweet Count Unique Tweeters Reach Male Female
CNN 55378 39615 600623006 57 % 43 %
Fox News 50927 23537 391143779 64 % 36 %
MSNBC 24268 11539 145401334 53 % 47 %
Comedy Central 8773 7088 53715006 59 % 41 %
HLN 3232 1844 22829672 37 % 63 %
HBO 1845 1484 5735515 69 % 31 %
Al Jazeera 1828 1411 4654393 54 % 46 %
CBS 1369 1010 8499199 52 % 48 %
ABC 516 359 10469240 61 % 39 %

Most popular hastags

Hashtag Count
#ericgarner 3712
#tcot 3442
#lnyhbt 2598
#iran 2579
#kellyfile 2245
#icantbreathe 1961
#pjnet 1848
#pmoi 1684
#irantalks 1612
#inners 1380

Tag Cloud across all shows

#2a #5things #ac360 #barclayscenter #bashir #benghazi #berkeley #berkeleyprotests #billcosby #blacklivesmatter #brooklyn #c2gthr #campliberty #cashinin #ccot #chicagoland #cia #cnn #cnnheroes #colbertreport #cosbyunderfire #dailyshow #democrats #diein #disclosure #duchesskate #edshow #ericgarner #eu #ferguson #fns #foxnews #genocide #giuliani #gop #gruber #gwu #hannity #hardball #humanrights #icantbreathe #immigration #inners #iran #irantalks #iraq #isis #israel #kellyfile #lastword #lnyhbt #maddow #michaelbrown #mikebrown #morningjoe #msnbc #mtp #nerdland #newday #news #nosey #nra #nyc #obama #obamacare #outfront #outnumbered #p2 #pearlharbor #pjnet #pmoi #policelivesmatter #potus #princewilliam #raw #realtime #redeye #rednationrising #reiders #rollingstone #royalshutdown #slammy #specialreport #tamirrice #tcot #tdsbreakingnews #teamedshow #teaparty #tgdn #thecolbertreport #thefive #tlot #torture #torturereport #tpp #trophyhuntinglies #un #uniteblue #usa #uva


Word Cloud across all shows

10 11 90s america american back better black case cereal children cia co colbert cops crime crunch day dc death documents every face first french go going good great help hiatus image just justice killed know like live look love made make making man may need new news now obama one people please police president prince protesters protests race rape re really receive release remember report retweet right said santa say says see show still stop story students sure take think time toast today tonight torture tweet us video want watch watching way white will william women world year york