Cable News Trending Topics for 2014-12-02
Ferguson continued to be the top topic in cable news, but an appearance of Lady Gaga (and, more importantly, tweets by Lady Gaga) managed to almost raise the Colbert Report to the top of the trending topics list. This tweet got over 3200 retweets yesterday:
Suit By Emanuel Ungaro. See you with Tony on the Colbert Report Tonight! #CheekToCheek
— Lady Gaga (@ladygaga) December 2, 2014
The four most popular tweets about the Colbert Report got 3200+, 1500+, 1400+, and 500+ retweets yesterday, which is why, when you look at the topics chart for the day, you see Colbert so often:
Because The Colbert Report runs at the very end of the 24 hour period I track as a day, I would expect this to continue into Wednesday’s numbers as well. We’ll see!
Raw data for the day: 2014-12-02-TagStats.csv and 2014-12-02-WordStats.csv
Top Shows for the day:
Category | Mentions | Show |
Most Mentions During Hour | 4881 | Fox News: The Kelly File |
Most Mentions During Day | 17048 | MSNBC: Morning Joe |
Overall ratings by network
Network | Tweet Count | Unique Tweeters | Reach | Male | Female |
Fox News | 64665 | 27646 | 331980356 | 65 % | 35 % |
CNN | 43147 | 26405 | 687101309 | 61 % | 39 % |
MSNBC | 40948 | 16784 | 182119355 | 52 % | 48 % |
Comedy Central | 17979 | 12398 | 225809083 | 61 % | 39 % |
HLN | 2322 | 1489 | 6684401 | 38 % | 62 % |
Al Jazeera | 1678 | 1282 | 6368861 | 61 % | 39 % |
HBO | 1047 | 790 | 4818636 | 69 % | 31 % |
CBS | 634 | 491 | 1813602 | 46 % | 54 % |
ABC | 448 | 363 | 11245476 | 47 % | 53 % |
Most popular hastags
Hashtag | Count |
#ferguson | 12331 |
#cheektocheek | 4957 |
#morningjoe | 4223 |
#kellyfile | 3957 |
#tcot | 3840 |
#lnyhbt | 2930 |
#pjnet | 2143 |
#hannity | 1998 |
#iran | 1558 |
#thecolbertreport | 1529 |
Tag Cloud across all shows
#16days #2a #5things #ac360 #barkley #billcosby #blacklivesmatter #boycottmorningjoe #busted #c2gthr #cashinin #ccot #cheekto #cheektocheek #chistiandadsw #christmas #cnn #congress #dailyshow #darrenwilson #deadlyhigh #democracy #disclosure #edshow #f #factsmatter #ferguson #firescarborough #fns #foxnews #givingtuesday #gop #gruber #handsup #handsupdontshoot #hannity #hardball #humanrights #immigration #inners #iran #irantalks #irantalksvienna #isis #justforlaffs #justiceforzemir #kellyfile #lastword #lebanon #lnyhbt #maddow #makesyathink #maryamrajavi #mediabias #michaelbrown #mikebrown #morningjoe #msnbc #msnbcchat #mtp #mtvstars #neilspiel #newday #news #nfl #nra #obama #outnumbered #p2 #pjnet #pmoi #rams #realtime #redeye #rednationrising #reiders #sgp #sitroom #starwars #syria #t #tamirrice #tcot #tdsbreakingnews #teamedshow #teaparty #texas #tgdn #thecolbertreport #thefive #thelead #thingswetrustmorethanobama #tlot #trophyhuntinglies #truthday #uniteagainstrape #uniteblue #vaw #yamecanse #zemirbegic |
Word Cloud across all shows
12 against al always back barkley beats black bosnian brown charles colbert community cops crime death die emanuel et every fan ferguson go going good gop government grand great hammer hands hard hate house joe jury just know left like louis man michael murder near need never new news nfl now obama one pack people perform players please police president protests race racist ready real really report right said say says see sees sharpton show sparse st star stern stop suit teens think till time today tonight tony truth ungaro us video want wars watch way white will witnesses world |