Events in Ferguson, Mo. dominate Cable News Twitter on Monday, 11/24/14

Cable News Trending Topics for 2014-11-24

You don’t need to have run a Twitter data analysis tool to know what people were talking about last night: the grand jury results in Ferguson, Mo.

Raw tag and word counts for the day: 2014-11-24-TagStats.csv 2014-11-24-WordStats.csv

Top Shows for the day:

Category Mentions Show
Most Mentions During Hour 9803 CNN: CNN Tonight w/ Hosts
Most Mentions During Day 20112 CNN: CNN Tonight w/ Hosts

Overall ratings by network

Network Tweet Count Unique Tweeters Reach Male Female
CNN 146643 96857 939455956 55 % 45 %
Fox News 78218 38879 313684557 63 % 37 %
MSNBC 70721 37633 251327636 47 % 53 %
HLN 11649 7214 29195459 41 % 59 %
Al Jazeera 3658 2670 13171680 50 % 50 %
HBO 3612 3257 12649703 66 % 34 %
Comedy Central 3368 3131 6941340 58 % 42 %
CBS 1901 1517 20461103 62 % 38 %
ABC 876 689 8859983 49 % 51 %

Most popular hastags

Hashtag Count
#ferguson 63874
#fergusondecision 19302
#michaelbrown 4695
#tcot 3943
#mikebrown 3607
#darrenwilson 2825
#foxnews 2660
#inners 2517
#kellyfile 2511
#hagel 2473

Tag Cloud across all shows

#2a #5things #ac360 #benghazi #blackinamerica #blacklivesmatter #bobmcculloch #breaking #breakingnews #brown #cashinin #ccot #chicagoland #climatechange #cnn #darrenwilson #edshow #f #feguson #ferg #fergsuon #fergu #fergus #ferguso #ferguson #fergusondecision #fergusonverdict #foxnews #furgeson #gadhimai #gop #grandjury #grandjurydecision #greta #gruber #hagel #hannity #hardball #immigration #immigrationaction #inners #iran #iranian #irantalks #irantalksvienna #isis #jodiarias #justice #justiceformikebrown #kellyfile #lastword #lnyhbt #maddow #makeitright #mcculloch #mh370 #michaelbrown #michaelbrown- #mike #mikebrown #morningjoe #msnbc #mtp #nepal #newday #news #noindictment #nra #nyc #obama #opkkk #outnumbered #p2 #pjnet #pleasert #pmoi #potus #raw #realtime #redeye #rednationrising #reiders #republicans #scratchinghead #sgp #tcot #teamedshow #teaparty #tgdn #thefive #thelead #theylovethisshit #tlot #trophyhuntinglies #truth #unfuckingreal #uniteblue #usa #yamecanse #yazd


Word Cloud across all shows

24 air announcement black breaking brown brown’s camera case cause cnn criminal crowd darren death decision defense describing don et face fact family far ferguson fired gas go going good grand hagel hour indict indicted indictment injuries jury just justice know law like live louis make man mcculloch media michael need news night normal now obama officer one people please police pres president probable procedure prosecutor protesters protests really removed reporting right riot say says see shooting shot show shows smoke split st statement still take tear think time today tonight us violence want watch watching white will wilson wilson’s