Cable News Trending Topics for 2014-11-01
Ah, Saturday was a bit of a strange one. I still track the hashtag #Blackfish because CNN seems to show that documentary from time to time and its easier to just keep the tracker going than to turn it on and off. And for the most part, there’s a constant “below the waves” (so to speak) discussion that shows up. But every once in a while, Blackfish heats up, and Saturday was an example of that. It’s not really connected to Cable News (since CNN hasn’t shown the documentary for a while), but there’s a groundswell to free the killer whale named “Lolita” in Miami. And that dominated all the other things I track.
It’s an example of how hard it is to tease apart actual cable news tweets from non cable news tweets, but it’s also an example of how very popular topics can have a life of their own regardless of the agenda Cable News is trying to set. Midterms? Meh. Whales? Yes!
If I were CNN, I’d be contracting for Blackfish 2 and Blackfish 3 right now…
Raw data for the day: 2014-11-01-TagStats.csv 2014-11-01-WordStats.csv
Top Shows for the day:
Category | Mentions | Show |
Most Mentions During Hour | 3433 | Fox News: Cashin In |
Most Mentions During Day | 9684 | Fox News: Cashin In |
Overall ratings by network
Network | Tweet Count | Unique Tweeters | Reach | Male | Female |
Fox News | 39002 | 17381 | 309952701 | 58 % | 42 % |
CNN | 37634 | 15457 | 209511077 | 35 % | 65 % |
MSNBC | 15662 | 7443 | 81626310 | 51 % | 49 % |
HBO | 8341 | 5032 | 104147533 | 67 % | 33 % |
Comedy Central | 2825 | 2369 | 13485445 | 56 % | 44 % |
Al Jazeera | 1371 | 1013 | 2666674 | 48 % | 52 % |
HLN | 776 | 551 | 3261987 | 30 % | 70 % |
CBS | 618 | 538 | 24318173 | 53 % | 47 % |
ABC | 288 | 239 | 13306693 | 56 % | 44 % |
Most popular hastags
Hashtag | Count |
#blackfish | 17781 |
#freelolita | 15984 |
#cashinin | 6865 |
#tcot | 5666 |
#marchforlolita | 3807 |
#lnyhbt | 2410 |
#nerdland | 2059 |
#uppers | 1969 |
#pjnet | 1851 |
#tahmooressi | 1834 |
Tag Cloud across all shows
#1u #2a #anitasarkeesian #berkeley #betterwithfriends #blackfish #c #c2gthr #captivitykills #cashinin #cavutoclash #ccot #chicagoland #cleanthehouse #climate #clinton #cnn #cnnafrica #democrats #ditchmitch #ebola #election #emptythetanks #flipadistrict #flipthesenate #foxnews #freelolita #freespeech #gamergate #gaza #gop #gotv #halloween #hannity #hbo #inners #iran #isis #johnoliver #justice #keepcalmvotedem #kellyfile #kidnapped #ky #kysen #lastweektonight #letthegirlgo #lgbt #libcrib #lnyhbt #lolita #maddow #maherasks #marchforlolita #marine #marineheldinmexico #miami #miamiseaquarium #miraclemarchforlolita #mitch #msnbc #msnbcvote #ncsen #nerdland #newday #news #nhpolitics #nhsen #nomaher #nra #obama #obamacare #occupyhk #p2 #partsunknown #partsunknowncnn #pjnet #realtime #redeye #rednationrising #sayfie #seaworld #showusyourpeanuts #tahmooressi #tcot #teaparty #tgdn #thefive #tlot #tntweeters #trendanyway #tweet4taiji #uniteblue #uppers #veterans #vets #vfw #vote #votegopout #wiunion |
Word Cloud across all shows
17th 44 against ago america andrew animals back billionaires black captive change crisis day days democrats doubles ebola election family fight free go good gop great held help helping home jan judge just know last let life like likes live lolita love make marine mexican miami mom morning mother must need nephew never new news night now number obama ocean one people please plz president release remarkable report return right said say says see sgt show since still story sun tahmooressi take tank thing think time today tonight us video vote voting want watch weed whale will women year years |