Another strong Saturday for Fox News’ Cashin’ In, which won both best hour and best day. Following Cashin’ In for best hour were both hours of Harris-Perry, Kornacki, and Judge Jeanine:
As you can see, the difference between Cashin’ In and the rest is leaps and bounds. How do they do this? How is a half-hour show’s engagement 4 times better than its closest competitor, which runs for a full hour? Apart from the primary answer (more viewers who are more passionate about the show), here’s what is happening:
- It is NOT the same tweet over and over again. There were 2753 different tweets that made up the 4815. The most retweeted got 43 retweets. It was not stuffing the ballot box, so to speak. I thought “Aha!” when Eric Bolling said (roughly) “retweet this if you agree”, but that wasn’t it.
- There are some very active participants. 1260 people sent tweets. Two people (DinahLord and ladydshops) sent over 100 each, and 5 others sent over 50.
- Some of the show participants are very active during the hour. Jonathan Hoenig sent 63 tweets, Michelle Fields 12, and Eric Bolling 7.
So congratulations to Cashin’ In for simply being the best at social media.
Data files for the day:
Counts for all shows: 2014-10-11-ShowStats.csv
Ranked list of senders of Cashin’ In tweets during 11am ET hour: 2014=10-11 Cashin In Senders.csv
Due to twitter restrictions, I cannot republish data for all the tweets sent during the hour. As a compromise, here are the top 10 most retweeted tweets: