One Tweets dominates Cable News Twitter on Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Cable News Trending Topics for 2014-09-16

One tweet to rule them all:


With so many retweets, the tweet from @WheelsofTheSyst (Wheels of The System) completely skewed the numbers for the day….




Top Shows for the day:

Category Mentions Show
Most Mentions During Hour 2429 Fox News: Hannity
Most Mentions During Day 8117 Fox News: The Five w/Hosts

Overall ratings by network

Network Tweet Count Unique Tweeters Reach Male Female
Fox News 43351 23110 239472561 61 % 39 %
CNN 32969 20459 527928381 52 % 48 %
MSNBC 24682 11407 127760082 52 % 48 %
HBO 7825 6761 24945003 72 % 28 %
Comedy Central 4497 3849 13972200 57 % 43 %
HLN 2910 1720 7597454 38 % 62 %
Al Jazeera 1438 1116 4680940 60 % 40 %
CBS 166 134 382636 38 % 62 %
ABC 85 71 2820096 52 % 48 %

Most popular hastags

Hashtag Count
#terrorism 5146
#1world 5125
#psa 5125
#educational 5125
#isis 3532
#tcot 3339
#lnyhbt 2390
#benghazi 2357
#blackfish 1981
#kellyfile 1964

Tag Cloud across all shows

#17s #1world #2a #5things #ac360 #adrianpeterson #aero #afghanistan #benghazi #betterwithfriends #blackfish #breaking #brendantevlin #c2gthr #cannibal #cashinin #cavuto #ccot #cdcwhistleblower #cnn #congress #covertaffairs #cowspiracy #dailyshow #democrattshirts #domesticabuse #ebola #ebolaoutbreak #edshow #educational #emptythetanks #ferguson #foxnews #glacialdoj #gop #hannity #hardball #indyref #inevitability #infoscrub #inners #iran #iraq #isil #isis #joanrivers #judicialgrinds #kellyfile #lastweektonight #lastword #lnyhbt #longlivelongmire #maddow #mediabuzz #morningjoe #msnbc #nasa #newday #news #nfl #obama #otr #outnumbered #p2 #peterson #pjnet #pleasert #politicsontap #potuspositive #psa #rayrice #realtime #redeye #rednationrising #reiders #seaworld #sgp #sitroom #soscovedolphins #startrek #taiji #tcot #tdsbreakingnews #teamedshow #teaparty #terrorism #tgdn #thecove #thefive #thelead #tlot #tnf #tntweeters #tweet4dolphins #tweet4taiji #uniteblue #uppers #usa #vikings #wiunion


Word Cloud across all shows

abuse act again against america american another back boots catholic child co day delivery ebola even fan field fight gibson go going gone good great ground happy help include iraq isis islamic job just keep know like love make man many may media mel military mor mr need never new news nfl now obama oblige old one people please police president really reject religions report right runs said say saying says see show sorry state still stop story system take terrorist thanks think time today tonight troops us vo vote want war watch way will women world wrong year yes