Chris Hayes Sweeps Cable News Twitter Ratings for Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Cable News belonged to Chris Hayes last night, with him getting a clean sweep of both the best hour as well as the best day on Cable News Twitter.  It no doubt helps that his second showing of the evening was also live as he reported events in Ferguson, MO in real time.  What’s more, his best hour occurred at the 11pm slot — his second showing of the evening.

Rachel Maddow also did a second live broadcast, but as it started at midnight, it will be included in Thursday’s ratings.  For comparison, though, it received 3676 mentions during its showing this morning.

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Chris Hayes Dominates the Entire Day on Twitter on Tuesday, August 12, 2014

What a mixed-up, topsy-turvy day Tuesday was: Hannity won best hour, but Chris Hayes brought in an incredibly large number of mentions throughout the day, giving him a clear win of Cable News Twitter.

Hannity is often the day-long winner, owing to his media footprint.  And Chris Hayes occasionally wins best hour.  But two have Hannity with best hour but Hayes with best day is very, very unusual — mostly because it’s so unusual for Hayes to win a day.

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