Eric Bolling’s Cashin’ In had the best hour and best day on Saturday.
Monthly Archives: August 2014
Ferguson and ISIS top topics in Cable News Twitter for Friday, August 22, 2014
Cable News Trending Topics for 2014-08-22
Ferguson was still the top topic in Cable News Twitter on Friday, but ISIS was a close second.
Van Susteren and Lemon win Cable News Twitter for Friday, August 22, 2014
Cable News Twitter slowed down on Friday, with events in Ferguson becoming a lot less 24/7-ish. Fox News’ On The Record had the best hour, while CNN’s continuing live coverage managed to win the day for Don Lemon and the CNN Tonight crew.
Ferguson Continues As Top Topic in Cable News Twitter for Thursday, August 21, 2014
Cable News Trending Topics for 2014-08-21
Ferguson is hanging in there at the top trending topic in Cable News. I suspect the media will pull back its on-site presence this weekend, which may well de-escalate Twitter as well. We’ll see.
Lawrence O’Donnell’s Well Timed Tweet Wins Him Cable News Twitter on Thursday, August 21, 2014
Lawrence O’Donnell won the best hour on Cable News Twitter, something I don’t know that I’ve seen before! It was all because of retweets of this post:
Breaking: Officer who shot Michael Brown did not file an incident report. Details @TheLastWord at 10pm
The post came out 10 minutes before the show, and received a very heavy volume of retweets, mentions, and replies, a large percentage of which fell during his broadcast. Clearly, there’s a lesson there — release your bombshell news right before your broadcast!
Don Lemon managed to bring in the best day, overall, with CNN Tonight. He’s still in Ferguson, getting lots of airtime, which generates engagement. I have to say I like in the field Don Lemon a lot better than at the anchor desk Don Lemon. It’s not quite Cronkite-goes-to-Vietnam, but whenever the anchors hit the road it adds a certain importance to the news.