Cable News Trending Topics for 2014-08-03
The ongoing conflict in Gaza dominated the conversation on Cable News Twitter on Sunday. Ebola barely made the list…
The ongoing conflict in Gaza dominated the conversation on Cable News Twitter on Sunday. Ebola barely made the list…
Sunday was a strong day for The Melissa Harris-Perry Show, with it winning both the best hour and best day on Twitter.
I’ve been critical of team Crist’s efforts on Twitter over the months, watching as they’ve squandered their chances to build and maintain a dialog with voters during the run-up to the primary. But in July, activity on social media picked up for Crist:
About mid-July the activity on Crist’s Twitter mentions started picking up, albeit raggedly. By the end of July, thanks to a slowdown in governor Scott’s mentions, Crist had pulled almost even with Scott.
To be clear, much of Crist’s relative gains are due to Scott’s slowdown; Scott could kick it back up and leave Crist behind. But Crist has also been able to boost his mentions back into the 1000-1500 a day range, so there’s a chance for him to move up as well and to start to dominate the discussion on Twitter.
Will Crist do that? With Nan Rich continuing to be a distant second in both polls and social media, it’s clear that there’s no sense of urgency for Crist. But this opportunity may not come around again …
Florida’s 18th congressional district is one of the more interesting races this mid-term year. The incumbent, Patrick Murphy, won his seat by defeating the highly controversial Allen West. But the district as a whole is not a strong one for the democrat, with most predictions seeming to put it at “lean” democratic.
That has generated a large number of GOP contenders who will face off in this month’s primary. For reasons that escape me, the GOP as a whole has not focused resources on this district, and the primary is still a large scramble. And there seems to be no recent polls, which makes it hard to know what’s happening.
We can look to Twitter to get a sense of what’s happening, however, and although it doesn’t give us a solid prediction, right away some things are obvious:
Every so often, a group with a cause will flood Twitter with messages that mention various cable news channels and groups. The goal is almost to raise awareness and affect the news coverage. A while ago, there was an Iranian group and before that a venezuelan group. Yesterday, the hashtag #interviewpalestinians rose to the top position in US Cable News Twitter.
There were about 7.5K tweets that went out with the hashtag, which put it far ahead of any other topic. It also brought the word “gaza” to the top of the lists. It’s hard to say that all of this will do the backers any good, but it’s clear that their voices have been heard.