Cable News Trending Topics for 2014-08-27
The top trending topics on Wednesday were ISIS, Gaza, the Uzi accident, and Ferguson, somewhat roughly in that order. This is an inflection point for Ferguson, and it will be interesting to see if it drops further in media coverage now that there appears to be no new news on the horizon for a while.
I see that Fox News has a new Benghazi special coming up on the 5th. It will be interesting to see if that manages to pop that topic back up in the twitterverse…
Top Shows for the day:
Category |
Mentions |
Show |
Most Mentions During Hour |
3992 |
Fox News: Hannity |
Most Mentions During Day |
10292 |
Fox News: Hannity |
Overall ratings by network
Network |
Tweet Count |
Unique Tweeters |
Reach |
Male |
Female |
Fox News |
50031 |
26457 |
249441859 |
63 % |
37 % |
35543 |
21677 |
386102842 |
56 % |
44 % |
32600 |
14428 |
156446531 |
52 % |
48 % |
Comedy Central |
10613 |
8905 |
59071797 |
55 % |
45 % |
2504 |
1361 |
4802416 |
34 % |
66 % |
Al Jazeera |
2452 |
1759 |
12577996 |
59 % |
41 % |
842 |
567 |
2380947 |
56 % |
44 % |
281 |
217 |
3396496 |
33 % |
67 % |
145 |
127 |
1154269 |
59 % |
41 % |
Most popular hastags
Tag Cloud across all shows
#2a #5things #ac360 #blackfish #bringbackourmarine #burgerking #c2gthr #campliberty #cavuto #ccot #cdcfraud #cdcwhistleblower #chicagoland #christians #cnn #congress #dailyshow #ebola #edshow #election2014 #emptythetanks #faa #ferguson #flipadistrict #foxnews #gaza #gazaunderattack #gop #gunsense #h #hamas #hannity #hardball #inhumansiege #inners #iran #iraq #irs #isis #israel #jonstewart #kellyfile #koch #lastword #libcrib #lnyhbt #maddow #marine #mh17 #michaelbrown #mikebrown #morningjoe #msnbc #mtp #newday #news #nra #nyc #obama #opencarry #oreillyfactor #outnumbered #p2 #petertheocurtis #pjnet #pleasert #powergrab #realtime #redeye #rednationrising #reiders #russia #russiainvadedukraine #russiainvadesukraine #seaworld #sgp #syria #takeoffjustlogo #takesometimeoff #tcot #tdsbreakingnews #teamedshow #teaparty #texas #tgdn #thefive #tlot #tntweeters #tweet4dolphins #tweet4taiji #twisters #ukraine #un #uniteblue #uppers #usa #vote #whiteprivilege #wiunion #youdeserveabreakracism |
Word Cloud across all shows
against al also america american americans armed attack back bad black day even ever ferguson fighting force forget fox full girl go going good great gun help isis jon just kids killed know life like love make making man many military must necessary need nephew never new news now obama officer old one people photo please police president race racism really report right say says school see shooting show sign stand stewart stop story support syria teachers tells thing think threat time today tonight ukraine upload us use uzi video want war watch way white will world year years yo |