Cable News Trending Topics for 2014-08-25
Ferguson, ISIS, and the Emmy awards all contended for the top topic in Cable News Twitter…
Top Shows for the day:
Category |
Mentions |
Show |
Most Mentions During Hour |
3397 |
Fox News: The Kelly File |
Most Mentions During Day |
7842 |
Comedy Central: The Colbert Report (11:30-12am) |
Overall ratings by network
Network |
Tweet Count |
Unique Tweeters |
Reach |
Male |
Female |
Fox News |
40734 |
21513 |
193843272 |
63 % |
37 % |
38409 |
23779 |
342373179 |
54 % |
46 % |
29100 |
12584 |
130977146 |
51 % |
49 % |
Comedy Central |
8463 |
7099 |
170531172 |
44 % |
56 % |
2462 |
1409 |
21950106 |
35 % |
65 % |
Al Jazeera |
2013 |
1457 |
5781700 |
54 % |
46 % |
1137 |
798 |
6698630 |
57 % |
43 % |
482 |
390 |
14405804 |
57 % |
43 % |
141 |
123 |
2728038 |
42 % |
58 % |
Most popular hastags
Tag Cloud across all shows
#1voter #2a #5things #ac360 #ad #blackfish #bringbackourmarine #captivitykills #cashinin #cavuto #ccot #chicagoland #cnn #colbertreport #crimeisdown #darrenwilson #earthquake #ebola #edshow #emmy #emmys #emmys2014 #emptythetanks #ferguson #flipadistrict #foley #foxnews #gaza #gazaunderattack #gop #greenrevolution #hamas #hann #hannity #inners #iraq #isis #israel #jamesfoley #justice #kellyfile #lastword #lgbt #libcrib #lnyhbt #maddow #marine #marineheldinmexico #michaelbrown #michaelbrownfuneral #mikebrown #mikebrownfuneral #militarymonday #morningjoe #msnbc #mtp #napa #nerdland #newday #news #noreturnuntilrevolution #nra #obama #outfront #outnumbered #p2 #pjnet #realtime #redeye #rednationrising #reiders #ricebucketchallenge #scottwalker #seanbell #seaworld #sgp #syria #takeoffjustlogo #tcot #teamedshow #teaparty #tgdn #thefive #thelead #tlot #tntweeters #tomfitton #tpot #trayvonmartin #tweet4taiji #twisters #ukraine #uniteblue #uppers #usa #vmas #vote #voteblue #voteblue2014 #wiunion |
Word Cloud across all shows
against al america american another attack back best black blame brown co col colbert come day don family fear ferguson foley forget free funeral go going good great gwen house iphone isis just killed know laid like likes love lt make man michael might must need nephew never new news next now obama officer old one people peters please police president really report rest right said say says see series sharpton shot show stefani still stop support take think threat time today told tonight true trust two us variety video want watch weed well white will wilson world year yo |