Cable News Trending Topics for 2014-08-10
The police shooting of unarmed teen Michael Brown in Ferguson, MO, dominated Cable News Twitter’s conversation on Sunday.
Top Shows for the day:
Category |
Mentions |
Show |
Most Mentions During Hour |
2291 |
MSNBC: Melissa Harris-Perry Show |
Most Mentions During Day |
5944 |
MSNBC: Melissa Harris-Perry Show |
Overall ratings by network
Network |
Tweet Count |
Unique Tweeters |
Reach |
Male |
Female |
Fox News |
30648 |
15972 |
130518499 |
63 % |
37 % |
28150 |
17474 |
170304480 |
55 % |
45 % |
24159 |
11489 |
84679706 |
51 % |
49 % |
1368 |
829 |
1458786 |
47 % |
53 % |
Al Jazeera |
1085 |
855 |
4362339 |
59 % |
41 % |
Comedy Central |
873 |
732 |
4845376 |
53 % |
47 % |
467 |
366 |
1059374 |
48 % |
52 % |
Most popular hastags
Tag Cloud across all shows
#1988iranmassacre #2a #alec #baghdad #benghazi #blackfish #botl #breaking #c2gthr #captivitykills #ccot #clinton #cnn #ebola #emptythetanks #extrasupermoon #ferguson #flipadistrict #fns #foxnews #gaza #gazaunderattack #gazaunderfire #genocideingaza #gop #hamas #hannity #humanrights #icymi #inners #iran #irantalks #iraq #isis #israel #istandwithisrael #justice #k-pop #libcrib #lnyhbt #maddow #maliki #markregev #media_vs_twitter #mic #michaelbrown #michealbrown #mikebrown #military #msnbc #mtp #nc02 #nerdland #newday #news #no2rouhani #nra #nyc #obama #ocra #openingstatement #p2 #patriots #perseid #pgachampionship #pjnet #privilege #racism #realtime #redeye #rednationrising #republicans #robertocavalli #rouhani #seaworld #sgp #storm4arturo #syria #takeoffjustlogo #tcot #teaparty #terror #tgdn #thecove #tlot #tntweeters #topprog #truth #tweet4dolphins #tweet4taiji #twisters #uniteblue #uppers #us #usa #veterans #waronwhites #whatdaell #wiunion #zdf |
Word Cloud across all shows
alive america arturo back black breaking brown bush car chief cnn community cops crash death die driver drop election fatally ferguson first force forces fox gaza give go going good great hamas help iraq isis israel job just kill know life like live love made man many media mo must need needs never new news now obama officer old one people please police president race really report right say says see shot show state stewart still stop sunday take talk think time today tonight tony track unarmed us usa use video want war watch watching white will women world year |