Cable News Trending Topics for 2014-07-28
#Gaza and Obama — those are the top topics in Cable News for Monday…
#Gaza and Obama — those are the top topics in Cable News for Monday…
A strong monday for The Kelly File and a fairly typical day for Hannity.
The conversation was balanced between Hamas and Israel on Sunday, as the on again, off again truce worked its way through the news cycle.
Sunday was a blowout day for The Melissa Harris-Perry show, with a very, very strong best hour and an impressive best day win as well!
(Note that ongoing news events may have altered schedules in realtime of other shows, and so I may have minor inaccuracies herein, but I do not believe it fundamentally changes things.)
The balance of mentions on Saturday remain with Israel, but with Gaza starting to gain strength as well. Events in Ukraine have dropped way low in discussions, perhaps due to no new news to speak of.