Cable News Twitter Ratings for Monday, May 5, 2014 — ¡Bravo Ed!

The Ed Show starts the week off with a strong Monday, winning best hour.  All-in With Chris Hayes also had a strong evening, but after that MSNBC’s schedule fizzled out, perhaps because MSNBC viewers were following Thomas Roberts’ lead and celebrating Cinco de Mayo.  In CNN, Anderson Cooper managed to get over the 1K mentions mark.

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Trending Topics in Cable News for Sunday, May 4, 2014

Cable News Trending Topics for 2014-05-04

The Nigerian schoolgirls nudged out Benghazi for the second-most trending topic on Sunday, while Obama, fresh off the White House Correspondents’ Dinner, was in first.

Top Shows for the day:

Category Mentions Show
Most Mentions During Hour 1553 MSNBC: Melissa Harris-Perry Show
Most Mentions During Day 5358 MSNBC: Meet The Press

Overall ratings by network

Network Tweet Count Unique Tweeters Reach Male Female
Fox News 23322 11494 82757525 62 % 38 %
CNN 21390 15411 160433327 52 % 48 %
MSNBC 20297 10284 365910324 53 % 47 %
E 2293 1801 12603170 25 % 75 %
Al Jazeera 1420 1142 2490085 61 % 39 %
HBO 1214 1005 4397347 64 % 36 %
HLN 1129 692 2666702 60 % 40 %
Comedy Central 1043 850 2296312 58 % 42 %

Most popular hastags

Hashtag Count
#tcot 4676
#benghazi 4420
#lnyhbt 3832
#whcd 2730
#bringbackourgirls 2282
#tgdn 2110
#nerdprom 2008
#pjnet 1985
#nigeria 1956
#mtp 1726

Tag Cloud across all shows

#2a #ablackshow #ac360 #benghazi #benghazicoverup #bringback #bringbackourgirls #burma #c2gthr #campliberty #ccot #cnn #ctot #designer #disrupters #donaldsterling #edshow #extremerules #fashion #fflyright #fns #foxnews #freejustina #freespeech #gejmediachat #genocide #gop #gothere #hannity #hardball #hottieoftheweek #humanrights #immigration #inners #insideman #iran #irantalks #iraq #justice #justiceforbenghazi4 #kentstate #libcrib #lnyhbt #maddow #makedclisten #maliki #maythe4thbewithyou #morningjoe #mtp #mustseeiran #nerdl #nerdland #nerdprom #newday #news #nigeria #nigerian #nigerianschoolgirls #nra #obama #obamacare #ocra #open #p2 #partsunknown #pjnet #potus #pressfreedom #prolife #realtime #rednationrising #renewui #republicans #rohingya #sgp #sisterpatriots #sot #syria #takeoffjustlogo #tcot #teaparty #tgdn #thisweek #tlot #tmfrh #totaldi #totaldivas #truth #twibnation #twisters #ukraine #uniteblue #uniteright #uppers #us #waar #whcd #whcd2014 #witnessed #wiunion


Word Cloud across all shows

420ft abducted america american americans back bad believe benghazi best better bi black boehner boycott bruno call committee day death dem demand first fox girls global go going good gop great help high hillary house htt hundreds ierullo job just kidnapped know last lighting like live look love make massive mounts much need never new news nigerian night now obama one orange party people president protesters real really release rep return right runway say says schoolgirls see show sisters speaker state story talking think time today tonight tower truth us want war watch watching white will win world years zinger

Cable News Twitter Ratings for Sunday, May 4, 2014 — MSNBC’s M’s Have it

The Melissa Harris-Perry Show took best hour and Meet The Press, which re-broadcasts on MSNBC, took best day.  MTP demonstrates the power of traditional broadcast networks, which still have a much larger reach and audience than cable-only networks.  If you took MTP out of the competition, Harris-Perry would have won best day as well.

(And, yes, I know I used a greengrocer’s apostrophe in the title)

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