Trending Topics in Cable News for Monday, April 28, 2014

Cable News Trending Topics for 2014-04-28

And so the #HottieOfTheWeek and Donald Sterling managed to be the top trending topics for Monday.  I’m pretty sure Sterling was not the hottie of the week, however…

Top Shows for the day:

Category Mentions Show
Most Mentions During Hour 1943 Comedy Central: The Colbert Report (11:30-12am)
Most Mentions During Day 15283 E: E! News

Overall ratings by network

Network Tweet Count Unique Tweeters Reach Male Female
Fox News 30457 15024 177401750 63 % 37 %
CNN 26998 17551 248432713 61 % 39 %
MSNBC 26106 12470 128424501 54 % 46 %
E 15283 7819 101628270 20 % 80 %
Comedy Central 5222 4570 13815409 63 % 37 %
HBO 4448 3866 5074990 78 % 22 %
HLN 3399 2173 14076552 40 % 60 %
Al Jazeera 1975 1498 7056388 59 % 41 %

Most popular hastags

Hashtag Count
#hottieoftheweek 7084
#tcot 4791
#lnyhbt 3881
#iran 3083
#donaldsterling 3008
#ontherun 2877
#pjnet 2003
#teaparty 1993
#evin350 1867
#helpevin350 1856

Tag Cloud across all shows

#17tdebt #2a #370qs #5things #ac360 #arkansas #bluecollarconservatives #breaking #bundy #bundyranch #c2gthr #campliberty #canadiansealslaughter #ccot #chicagoland #climatechange #clippers #clivenbundy #cnn #dailyshow #donaldsterling #edshow #evin350 #foxnews #germany #gop #hannity #hardball #helpevin350 #hottieoftheweek #humanrights #inners #insideman #iran #iraq #israel #kellyfile #laclippers #lastword #libcrib #library #lnyhbt #maddow #makedclisten #matrix14 #mcm #mh370 #missedopportunity #morningjoe #msnbc #mtp #mustseeiran #nationalsuperheroday #nba #newday #news #nra #obama #ocra #ontherun #opposition #outnumbered #outnumberedfnc #p2 #pjnet #politicsnation #politocal #prisoners #racism #radiodisney #realtime #rednationrising #reiders #renewui #russia #sandiego #sisterpatriots #sterling #takeoffjustlogo #tcot #tdsbreakingnews #teamedshow #teaparty #tgdn #thecycle #thefive #therealstory #tlot #tornado #tornadoes #totaldivas #truth #ukraine #uniteblue #uniteright #uppers #waar #ward350 #wiunion #youmightbealiberal


Word Cloud across all shows

25 81 america american asshole away back bad beyoncé big black blake bundy bye calm clippers come cure deadly def donald example first flu go going good gop great griffin head heat heather help jay just know lea like look love make man many marching michele morris need needs never new news next now obama official old one owner people play played players playoffs political president prisoners racism racist really report right said say says see shldn’t show state sterling still story take team think time today together tonight top tornadoes tour type us wait want watch will year yesterday