Cable News Trending Topics for 2014-03-20
E! News and Jay Ryan again? Oh Twitter, you’re such a teenage girl at times.
E! News and Jay Ryan again? Oh Twitter, you’re such a teenage girl at times.
After Chicagoland had strong engagement last week, I was eager to see how it would do this week. It won its 10pm hour, continuing its strong showing. Unfortunately, it was not quite as strong as last week, but a win is a win!
What’s also interesting is that Anderson Cooper managed to win the 8pm hour, but then CNN shifted into a repeat of Chicagoland and lost its audience on Twitter. I have to think that devoting two hours of primetime to Chicagoland is a mistake; put the rerun somewhere else where there’s slack in the schedule. Piers Morgan could be brining in viewers discussing the news…
Overall, E! News ruled the day, as Jay Ryan as the “hottie of the week” continued to dominate conversation. I always feel uncertain about whether I should include E! News in the competition for cable news, but I tend to think it’s at least as important as some of the programs on the mainstream cable news networks (I’m looking at you, Nancy Grace).
Jay Ryan as the hottie of the week (E! News) is still at the tip of the fingers of Twitter users, but the missing Malaysia Airline flight is still a constant topic of discussion. Crimea, Ukraine, and Putin are barely registering… No pix is no news, I guess.
Sean Hannity has the best hour in Cable News Twitter on Wednesday — which is not terribly uncommon for him. Pretty much alone among Fox News shows, Hannity has a strong social media presence.
In the 8pm hour, Anderson Cooper managed to beat out Chris Hayes, in what has become a common show of strength for CNN. Cooper’s two hours (8pm and 11pm) both did well, although with The Daily Show on hiatus there’s less competition in the 11pm time slot.
Right now the only two strong hosts on CNN seem to be Cooper and Don Lemon, so maybe they should just run with them non-stop…
Yesterday, we learned that Cable News Twitter considers Jay Ryan the Hottie of the Week. Crimea? Meh. Perhaps if Putin was in the race we’d get something relevant to current events?