The State of Florida’s 2014 Gubernatorial Race on Twitter

With Alex Sink deciding to drop out of the race for governor, it’s worth taking a look at how the other potential candidates have been doing over the past few months:

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What’s interesting is how much of the steam has gone out of Twitter for all but Rick Scott.  Charlie Crist has been appearing at a bunch of local events, but without making a formal announcement he’s flying under the radar.  Nan Rich is still not igniting passion on social media.  That leaves it open for Rick Scott to define the topics of the conversation and to wait for the economy to further improve.  It seems to me that the longer Crist waits, the stronger Scott gets. 


Cable News Twitter Ratings for September 21, 2013

The MHP Show won the races for most mentions during an hour as well as total mentions during the day.  Your money is still suffering the loss of Ali Veshi last month, as in times past it got a lot more social media action.  Hopefully they’ll regain their footing over time.

Note that all times are US Eastern Time. See notes at end for further explanations. For earlier articles on cable news twitter ratings, please see this.

Cable News Ratings for 2013-09-21

Top Shows for the day:

Category Mentions Show
Most Mentions During Hour 2283 MSNBC: Melissa Harris-Perry Show
Most Mentions During day 5251 MSNBC: Melissa Harris-Perry Show

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Cable News Twitter Ratings for September 20th, 2013

As has become the trend lately, The Ed Show has the most tweets during its showing while Piers Morgan gets the most tweets throughout the day.  Somewhat unusual, though, is that Chris Matthews’ Hardball managed to rack up a large number of tweets today during its showing.

Note that all times are US Eastern Time. See notes at end for further explanations. For earlier articles on cable news twitter ratings, please see this.

Cable News Ratings for 2013-09-20

Top Shows for the day:

Category Mentions Show
Most Mentions During Hour 1824 MSNBC: The Ed Show
Most Mentions During day 12152 CNN: Piers Morgan Live

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Cable News Twitter Ratings for 9/19/13

Yesterday Piers Morgan cooled down a bit from the run he’s been on, but still managed to be the Most Mentioned Host on Cable News.  Ed Schultz managed to take the prize for most tweets during a show, which is not surprising given how tightly The Ed Show integrates social media.

Crossfire is losing some of its, well, fire, but for a half-hour show it’s still doing well.  And a comment for Totally biased.  I don’t know if you know this, but the TV says your hashtag is #totallybaise — I’m going to have to change my search specs for your typo 🙁

Here’s the Cable News Ratings for 2013-09-19:

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How did Piers Morgan get to be the Most Mentioned Cable News Host on Twitter?

One of the more amazing things about Twitter is when there’s a huge variance between a show’s official Nielsen rating and activity on Twitter.  Take Piers Morgan, for example.  His show, compared against other cable news shows in his slot, averages about 3rd out of 4 shows.  Sometimes #2, sometimes #4, but never #1.

But on Twitter, Piers is the king.  Many days he has more mentions during the day than any other cable news show at at time during the day.  You can look through the recent Cable New Twitter Ratings to see how well he’s done. That kind of dominance on Twitter is mystifying. And so I decided to take a look.

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